A mkv media batch multiplex.

mkv, multimedia, video, mkvtoolnix, plex, batch, matroska, plex-media-server, python3
pip install mkvbatchmultiplex==0.9.1b1.dev2


mkvbatchmultiplex: MKVMERGE batch multiplexing

Documentation Status

This project went into a rewrite for version 2. Rename module was added to help maintain output file names Plex friendly.


mkvbatchmultiplex program is for processing mkvmerge command line and use it as a template to apply the multiplex instructions to all the files found in the directory. The command line is expected to be taken from mkvtoolnix-gui:

Multiplexer->Show command line

mkvmerge and mkvtoolnix-gui are part of the MKVToolNix set of tools to work with Matroska media container files.

Works with Windows (cmd.exe) or Linux/unix shells (bash, zsh, etc.)


pip install mkvbatchmultiplex

It is been developed on Windows the media server is Windows based. Made light testing on ubuntu and macOS 10.14 Mojave and ubuntu 18.04. On macOS MKVToolNix must be version 30.0.0 or higher if working with Dark Theme.

If working with the source to execute the application first create the locale files. On the source directory execute:

python setup.py generate_catalog


In macOS 10.14 Dark theme MKVToolNix has to be version 30.0.0+ to use it.


It assumed you have working knowledge of using MKVToolNix. Select a file make any operations needed copy command to clipboard:

Multiplexer->Show command line

Paste command on mkvbatchmultiplex push Process button and wait. Remember to select and output directory.

Step by step examples are in the github repository wiki.


This is just the base for the project. The roadmap is:

  • Work on rename module to fetch metadata
  • Work on the Spanish interface translation
  • Easier installation for linux

If the the program generates any interest any further changes and additions will also depend on user base needs.

See https://mkvbatchmultiplex.readthedocs.io for more information.