Extends the list of supported operators in onnx reference implementation and onnxruntime, or implements faster versions in C++.

onnx, cython, scikit-learn, machine-learning, algorithms, python3
pip install mlinsights==0.3.614



mlinsights - extensions to scikit-learn

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mlinsights extends scikit-learn with a couple of new models, transformers, metrics, plotting. It provides new trainers such as QuantileLinearRegression which trains a linear regression with L1 norm non-linear correlation based on decision trees, or QuantileMLPRegressor a modification of scikit-learn's MLPRegressor which trains a multi-layer perceptron with L1 norm. It also explores PredictableTSNE which trains a supervized model to replicate t-SNE results or a PiecewiseRegression which partitions the data before fitting a model on each bucket.

Function pipeline2dot converts a pipeline into a graph:

from mlinsights.plotting import pipeline2dot
dot = pipeline2dot(clf, df)
