A Python Toolkit for Urban Resilience and Disaster Risk Management Analytics using High Frequency Human Mobility Data

pip install mobilkit==0.1.6


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A set of tools to analyze mobility traces to assess the users response to extreme events.

Try mobilkit without installing it in a MyBinder notebook: Binder

Table of contents

  1. Documentation
  2. Collaborate with us
  3. Installation
  4. Tutorials
  5. Examples
  6. Credits and contacts


Full documentation with examples can be found online here, otherwise see the notebooks in docs/examples for a step-by-step coverage of the library or the ones in examples/ for a more detailed showcase of the package's capabilities.

Collaborate with us

mobilkit is an active project and any contribution is welcome.

If you would like to contribute or add functionalities to mobilkit, feel free to fork the project, open an issue and contact us.


Install with pip

You need to have a running version of Dask on your system. Once you have it you can create an environment and install mobilkit there.

  1. Create an environment mobilkit

     python3 -m venv mobilkit
  2. Activate

     source mobilkit/bin/activate
  3. Clone the repo and install mobilkit

     git clone https://github.com/mindearth/mobilkit
     cd mobilkit
     python setup.py install
  4. OPTIONAL to use mobilkit on the jupyter notebook

    • Activate the virutalenv:

        source mobilkit/bin/activate
    • Install jupyter notebook:

        pip install jupyter 
    • Run jupyter notebook

        jupyter notebook
    • (Optional) install the kernel with a specific name

        ipython kernel install --user --name=mobilkit_env

If you already have scikit-mobility installed, skip the environment creation and run these commands from the skmob anaconda environment.

Install with conda


Test the installation

> source activate mobilkit
(mobilkit)> python
>>> import mobilkit


Several notebooks are found in the docs/examples folder, we resume here the most important ones.


We show the basic usage and functionalities in the mobilkit_tutorial.ipynb notebook.

Credits and contacts

This code has been originally developed by Mindearth and the World Bank's Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, under the contract number 7194851 solicitation ECS1266750.

The code is released under the MIT license (see the LICENCE file for details).