
Morpheus Data API Client

pip install morpheus-data-api==0.0.1



Python client to Morpheus Data API

Tests Codecov


import os
from morpheus_data_api import MorpheusDataApi

os.environ['MORPHEUS_HOST'] = ''
os.environ['MORPHEUS_TOKEN'] = 'foobar'

api = MorpheusDataApi()
type_data = {
    'optionType': {
        'name': 'foo',
        'type': 'text',
        'description': 'foo',
        'fieldLabel': 'foo',
        'fieldName': 'foo'

def type_names():
    r =
        'library/option-types', transform='optionTypes[].name'
    return r

assert 'foo' not in type_names()

api.upsert('library/option-types', 'foo', type_data)
assert 'foo' in type_names()

type_data['optionType']['description'] = 'FOO'
assert api.get('library/option-types', 'foo')['description'] == 'foo'

api.upsert('library/option-types', 'foo', type_data)
assert api.get('library/option-types', 'foo')['description'] == 'FOO'

api.delete('library/option-types', 'foo')
assert 'foo' not in type_names()

Deploy/Undeploy Config

Given a yaml config file tests/data/option_types/foo1.yaml:

  name: foo1
  fieldName: foo1
  type: select
  description: foo1
  fieldLabel: foo1
        name: foo1
        type: manual
            - bar
            - baz

It can be deployed/undeployed like so:

import os
from morpheus_data_api import MorpheusDataApi

os.environ['MORPHEUS_HOST'] = ''
os.environ['MORPHEUS_TOKEN'] = 'foobar'

api = MorpheusDataApi()
api.deploy_files('option_types/foo1.yaml', undeploy=True)

Or deployed through the morpheus-data-api console script

$ morpheus-data-api deploy tests/data/option_types/foo1.yaml
created optionTypeList foo1 [14]
created optionType foo1 [1766]
1/1] deployed foo1.yaml
deployed 1/1 file(s)

Then undeployed:

$ morpheus-data-api undeploy tests/data/option_types/foo1.yaml
deleted optionType foo1 [1766]
deleted optionTypeList foo1 [14]
1/1] undeployed foo1.yaml
undeployed 1/1 file(s)

This works by upserting or deleting nested entities in the expected order, and linking referential IDs to the parent object

See tests/data/catalog_items/item1.yaml for larger example

$ morpheus-data-api deploy tests/data/catalog_items/item1.yaml
created task task1 [9]
created optionType item1 [1767]
created optionTypeList item2 [15]
created optionType item2 [1768]
created taskSet item1 [5]
created catalogItemType item1 [3]
created schedule schedule1 [6]
created job job1 [11]
1/1] deployed item1.yaml
deployed 1/1 file(s)


The following variables are supported within the config file

variable description example
$createPath nested below an $api object, override the path used to create entity $createPath: /api/library/instance-types/${id:instanceTypes:blueprint1.instanceType1}/layouts
$dataset convert list of values to json optionType dataset $dataset: ['foo', 'bar']
$datasetCsv convert contents of local csv file to json optionType dataset $datasetCsv: data.csv
$deleteIds delete additional entities during undeploy $deleteIds: [${id:optionTypes:foo}]
$deletePath nested below an $api object, override the path used to delete entity $deletePath: /api/library/instance-types/${id:instanceTypes:blueprint1.instanceType1}/layouts
$entity nested below an $api object, override entity name $entity: instanceTypeLayout
$entityId nested below an $api object, override entity ID $entityId: key/128/foobar
$fileContent read contents of local file $fileContent:
$id lookup entity ID from ${id:path:name} expression id: ${id:optionTypes:foo}
$json convert value to JSON $json: [1,2,3]
$setName nested below an $api object, don't automatically set entity name if false $setName: false
$updatePath nested below an $api object, override the path used to update entity $updatePath: /api/library/instance-types/${id:instanceTypes:blueprint1.instanceType1}/layouts
$validate nested below an $api object, disable validation if false $validate: false

Console Script

The morpheus-data-api console script is installed as part of

usage: morpheus-data-api [-h] [--name NAME] [-q Q] [-y]
                         {deploy,undeploy,get,export} path

Query Morpheus data API and deploy config to it

positional arguments:
  path                  yaml file, dir of yaml files or api path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           export name
  -q Q                  jmespath query
  -y                    output in yaml format


Bundled into the package is mock.MockMorpheusDataApi() which provides full persistent mocking of Morpheus API. See tests/ for examples how this is used.


The license is Apache 2.0, see LICENSE for the details.