
A framework for easily logging and modifying Tristar-MPPT-45 Solar Controllers over a serial connection.

pip install mppt-reader==1.0.3



A work in progress way to quickly read from an TRISTAR-MPPT-45. Soon there will be added features to logging the data to unique data formats.

If you use the tool, please leave a star, so others can find it too in their search.

Use pip install mppt_reader to download the library.

If you want to just read and modify the MPPT-reader in a pythonic way without logging variables, use MPPTReader class.

If you want to log variables, you can just take your MPPTReader class and pass it into an MPPTLogger instance.

from mppt_reader.reader import MPPTReader
from mppt_reader.logger import MPPTLogger
from mppt_reader.constants import Variable

reader = MPPTReader("COM3")
# You must provide variables, but file_name will default to the current date and time. Update interval is normally 1 second.
logger = MPPTLogger(reader, variables=[Variable.BATTERY_VOLTAGE, Variable.ARRAY_VOLTAGE], file_name="output", update_interval=2)
# Now it will be logging all variables every second to output.csv and you can still mess with the MPTTReader
# The value is set, but is not currently controlling the actual voltage regulation.
# Now, it will start updating with your given value and you can change it.
# If you set too high or a too low value, you could cause a fault!
# Now it will return control to the slave, make sure to unlock or you will just keep the same value forever.