
A package to help with exploring a Plone site.

information, objects, plone
pip install mr.inquisition==0.1


Nobody expects the Plone inquisition!


This package helps with getting insight in a foreign Data.fs.

Some Plone projects can start from scratch: the customer wants to make a (new) start with Plone and there is no legacy to take into account. Other projects start with a Plone site already in place.

In these situations it is often a big surprise what you are going to have to deal with. Especially when migrating a site from one Plone version to another. Typical questions are:

  • What type of objects can I expect?
  • What is the number of objects for type X?
  • Where does most of the content live?
  • Are there objects left of products that were once installed?

Mr.inquisition helps to get answers to these questions. This package has been tested on Plone versions 2.5 and 3.x.


When you are using zc.buildout, the installation is quite simple. All you need to do is make sure the mr.inquisition package is listed in the eggs option of your Zope 2 instance or zeoclient, e.g.:

eggs =

On Plone 3.2 you will need to add it to the zcml option too, on later Plone versions this is automated:

zcml =

That's it.

If you want to use mr.inquisition on a site that doesn't use buildout or eggs, you can also copy the inquisition folder from the mr.inquisition egg to the Products directory op your instance.


The mr.inquisition package offers a number of views which allow you to gain insight in the ZODB at hand. Your best bet is to start with the @@inquisition view. This view lists all the options you've got.


  • Mark van Lent (Zest Software) initiated this package.
  • Fred van Dijk and Maurits van Rees (both also from Zest Software) came up with the idea and wrote the original version.
  • Vincent Pretre (again: Zest Software) assisted me with the depth first search to show the content and their (accumulated) size.