
Monitor taskserver (taskd) using Nagios.

pip install nagios-taskserver-plugin==0.4.0.a4


Nagios Plugin for monitoring Taskwarrior's Taskserver

Using this with Nagios

  1. Install this package using pip:

    pip install nagios-taskserver-plugin

    or from a clone of this repository using pip:

    pip install .

    or from a clone of this repository using

    python install
  2. Copy plugin/taskserver.cfg and plugin/restart_taskserver.cfg into your nagios plugin path. On Ubuntu 12.04 this will be /etc/nagios-plugins/config.

  3. Add a new service definition to your nagios services configuration (e.g. /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.conf); for example:

    # check that taskserver is running
    define service {
        hostgroup_name                  taskservers
        service_description             Taskserver
        check_command                   check_taskserver!/path/to/taskrc
        use                             generic-service
        notification_interval           0
        event_handler                   restart_taskserver!sudo service taskd restart
  4. Add a hostgroup matching the hostgroup name above to your hostgroup configuration (e.g. /etc/nagios3/conf.d/hostgroups_nagios2.conf):

    define hostgroup {
         hostgroup_name                  taskservers
         alias                           Taskd Servers
         members                         your_hostname

Using this with a Cron Job

Add a cron job in a format like the following to your crontab:

* * * * * /usr/local/bin/nagios_taskserver_plugin restart_if_failed --task-binary=/usr/local/bin/task /var/taskd/nagios/taskrc "/usr/sbin/service taskd restart"

replacing /usr/local/bin/task with the path to your Taskwarrior client, /var/taskd/nagios/taskrc with the path to your test clone's taskrc path, and /usr/sbin/service taskd restart with the command to run for restarting the Taskserver if it has become stuck.