
Jupyter Notebook "cell magic" functions to remotely execute shell script typed in a notebook cell.

remote, shell, script, execution, sqlplus, jupyter-notebook, remote-shell-script
pip install nbrshell==1.0.2


nbrshell - Notebook Remote Shell

v1.0.13 Mar 2024

Set of Jupyter Notebook "cell magic" functions to execute remote shell script typed in a notebook cell, with shell script output streaming back to the notebook.

This makes it possible to write a notebook with freeform text in markdown cells and shell constructs in code cells, producing shell script output in output cells. This makes this a good solution for documentation purposes, prototyping, teaching, demoing and explaining working with unix shell, as well as templating solution for repetitive script executions.

Each "cell magic" has a non-magic equivalent function with name ending with "_fn".

Similarly, there is also Oracle database-specific "cell magic" allowing to run sqlplus commands in a remote sqlplus.

This package uses paramiko library, which is distributed under GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1

Package structure :

├── pbrun_as_oracle          │──> connects via paramiko ssh client with a password (no prior ssh 
├── pbrun_as_oracle_fn       │    keys setup is needed), then executes pbrun to switch to oracle account,
                             │    then sets oracle environment according to provided "oracle_sid"
                             │    and runs provided shell commands as oracle user.

├── pbrun_as                 │──> connects via paramiko ssh client with password (no prior ssh 
├── pbrun_as_fn              │    keys setup is needed), then executes pbrun to switch to another user,
                             │    provided as a parameter. Then runs provided shell commands.

├── exec_shell_script        │──> connects using paramiko ssh client. If password is provided, then 
├── exec_shell_script_fn     │    connects with password and no prior ssh keys setup is needed.
                             │    If password is not provided, then attempts to connect with ssh keys.
                             │    Then runs provided shell commands.

├── exec_shell_script_ssh    │──> connects using local ssh client with previously setup ssh keys.
├── exec_shell_script_ssh_fn │    Useful in cases when paramiko will not connect.

└── pbrun_sqlplus            │──> runs cell content via sqlplus on a remote host, after connecting  
                             │    to the remote host with ssh, becoming oracle with pbrun and 
                             │    setting some common Oracle environment variables.
└── nbrshell_common          │──> common functions and variables.
    └── set_psw                   └──> sets password in memory for use in subsequent cell executions.
    └── set_nbrshell_env          └──> saves nbr environment parameters for use in subsequent executions.

Usage examples:

  1. To run shell commands on a remote server:

    First load remote execution package:

    import nbrshell as nbr
    # define jupyter python variable:
    jupyter_var="This is a string defined in Jupyter"

    Then execute shell script on a remote server:

    %%exec_shell_script user@host ssh_psw='password'
    echo "Running ping :"
    echo "--------------"
    ping -s www.oracle.com 56 3
    echo "Running loop :"
    echo "--------------"
    for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do
    	echo $i
    echo "Here document :"
    echo "--------------"
    cat <<-EOF
    	This is multiline 
    	here document
    echo "Jupyter variable substitution :"
    echo "---------------------------"
    echo {jupyter_var}
    echo "escaping curly braces :"
    echo "---------------------------"
    echo '\{Curly braces\} need to be escaped to prevent Jupyter variable substitution'

    This will stream following shell output in Jupyter output cell :

    Click to see the source

    The ssh connection parameters can also be set once using nbr.set_nbrshell_env() function, in which case it will not be necessary to include them in subsequent cell magic commands, thus allowing for less cluttered notebook.

  2. To run Oracle sqlplus on a remote server

    • One option is to give all connection parameters on cell command line:

      First load remote execution function:

      import nbrshell as nbr

      Then run remote sqlplus commands with full command line options:

      %%pbrun_sqlplus username@hostname ssh_psw='password1' oracle_sid='ORCL1' oracle_conn='/ as sysdba'
      select sysdate from dual;
      show user
      show parameters sga_target

      which produces below output cell:

      Click to see the source
    • Another option is to set connection parameters once with nbr.set_nbrshell_env(),

      and then run remote sqlplus commands in multiple cells without command line parameters. Password can be hidden with getpass or stdiomask module if needed:

      # set nbr environment :
              oracle_conn='/ as sysdba'
      select sysdate from dual;
      show user
      Click to see the source
      select 'aaa' from v$instance;
      show parameters sga_target
      Click to see the source


From PyPi:

python -m pip install nbrshell

or from Github URL:

python -m pip install nbrshell@git+https://github.com/abalbekov/nbrshell