Electronic Network Analyzer

network, circuit, node, mash, analysis
pip install netana==3.1.13


updated 19 Aug 2021

Program NetAna

The md5 signatures of the python source files are in file netana-x.x.x-md5sums.
To verfiy the downloaded source files run:
    "md5sum -c netana-x.x.x-md5sums" while in this folder.

Linux: Shell File "cp-examples.sh" should be used to copy the netana examples
to the users home directory. Unpack the sourse file using "tar" and cp to the location
where setup.py is found. Make sure the excute permission is set on the shell
file. Then invoke this "Bash" shell command: "./cp-examples.sh". Where the example
files are installed have only Read permission on the directories and files for the
normal user. My copying the files to the users home directory the user can write to the
netana-examples directory and files.

To Install required files use pip.
Install pip if not already installed.
   pip install matplotlib numpy

To Install sourse files:
    GNU/Linux -- After unpacking file, in the folder where you find
     'setup.py' run the following command: sudo python3 setup.py install
     Note: you must be user 'root' see below for checking file permissions

To Install "dumb tar" files such as netana-X.X.X.tar.gz
        create an install directory (folder) such as:
	mkdir netana
	sudo cp nmetana-X.X.X.tar.gz netana/ 
	cd netana
	sudo tar xvzf netana-X.X.X.tar.gz
	check to make sure the permissions are correct on the *.py python files
	do a 'whereis' or 'locate' on file 'main.py' and make sure the permissions
	are set to -rwx-rx-rx and the other python *.py file are set to -rw-r-r by changing
	the permissions in this order chmod 644 *.py and chmod 755 start_netana.py