A python-based CLI for Sonatype Nexus OSS 3

pip install nexus3-cli==4.1.9



A python-based command-line interface and API client for Sonatype's Nexus OSS 3.


  1. Compatible with Nexus 3 OSS
    1. Nexus versions tested
  2. Python API and command-line support
  3. Artefact management: list, delete, bulk upload and download.
  4. Repository management:
    1. Create hosted and proxy.
    2. Create apt, bower, docker, maven, npm, nuget, pypi, raw, rubygems, yum.
    3. Content type validation, version and write policy.
    4. Delete.
  5. Groovy script management: list, upload, delete, run.
  6. Clean-up policy management: create, list.

The actions above are performed using the Nexus REST API if the endpoint is available, otherwise a groovy script is used.

Please note that some Nexus 3 features are not currently supported. Assistance implementing missing support is very welcome. Please have a look at the issues and contribution guidelines.


The nexus3-cli package is available on PyPi. You can install using pip/pip3:

pip install nexus3-cli

There's also a docker image with nexus3-cli pre-installed.


Command line

For a quick start, use the sonatype/nexus3 Docker image:

docker run -d --rm -p --name nexus sonatype/nexus3

Nexus will take a little while to start-up the first time you run it. You can tell when it's available by looking at the Docker instance logs or browsing to http://localhost:8081.

On older versions of the nexus3 Docker image, the default admin password is admin123; on newer versions it's automatically generated and you can find it by running docker exec nexus cat /nexus-data/admin.password.

The login command will store the service URL and your credentials in ~/.nexus-cli (warning: restrictive file permissions are set but the contents are saved in plain-text).

Setup CLI credentials:

$ nexus3 login
Nexus OSS URL (http://localhost:8081):
Nexus admin username (admin):
Nexus admin password (admin123):
Verify server certificate (True):

Configuration saved to /Users/thiago/.nexus-cli

List repositories:

$ nexus3 repository list
Name              Format   Type     URL
maven-snapshots   maven2   hosted   http://localhost:8081/repository/maven-snapshots
maven-central     maven2   proxy    http://localhost:8081/repository/maven-central
nuget-group       nuget    group    http://localhost:8081/repository/nuget-group
nuget.org-proxy   nuget    proxy    http://localhost:8081/repository/nuget.org-proxy
maven-releases    maven2   hosted   http://localhost:8081/repository/maven-releases
nuget-hosted      nuget    hosted   http://localhost:8081/repository/nuget-hosted
maven-public      maven2   group    http://localhost:8081/repository/maven-public

Create a repository:

nexus3 repository create hosted raw reponame

Do a recursive directory upload:

$ mkdir -p /tmp/some/deep/test/path
$ touch /tmp/some/deep/test/file.txt /tmp/some/deep/test/path/other.txt
$ cd /tmp; nexus3 up some/ reponame/path/
Uploading some/ to reponame/path/
[################################] 2/2 - 00:00:00
Uploaded 2 files to reponame/path/

Nota Bene: nexus3-cli interprets a path ending in / as a directory.

List repository contents:

$ nexus3 ls reponame/path/

For all commands, subcommands and options, run nexus3 -h. CLI documentation


See API documentation.

Upgrade from 1.0.x

Version 2.0.0 has significant API changes from 1.0.0. In summary:

  • Introduce a NexusConfig class to keep the service configuration separate from the client.
  • NexusClient no long accepts configuration keyword arguments; instead it takes a NexusConfig instance.
  • Moved all CLI code to the cli package and API code to the api package.
  • The Repository class has been rewritten to make it easier to add support for all repositories. Have a look at the manual pages for 2.x linked above.
  • Repository upload methods have been moved to their own module in nexuscli.api.repository.upload to, again, make it easier to support all repositories.
  • Documentation has been reviewed to include new topics and to automatically include any new classes in the html output that lives in read the docs.
  • Unit tests have been refactored and re-organised to more closely match the src structure.

If you need to stay on versoin 1.0.x for some reason, you can pin your requirements (e.g.: 'nexus3-cli>=1.0.2,<2). Note that I will no longer support 1.0.x, although I'm happy to review contributions.


The automated tests are configured in .gitlab-ci.yml. To run tests locally, install the package with test dependencies and run pytest:

pip install [--user] -e .[test]
pip install [--user] pytest faker
pytest -m 'not integration'

Integration tests require a local Nexus instance listening on 8081 or as configured in ~/.nexus-cli. The configuration file can be created using nexus3 login.

docker run -d --rm -p --name nexus sonatype/nexus3
./tests/wait-for-nexus.sh  # the Nexus instance takes a while to be ready
# use the random admin password generated by the Nexus container to login
./tests/nexus-login $(docker exec nexus cat /nexus-data/admin.password)
pytest -m integration
docker kill nexus

Nota Bene: if you re-run integration tests without re-creating or cleaning-up the dev Nexus instance, test will fail because some objects created during tests will already exist.

Pull requests are welcome; please see CONTRIBUTING.md.