
My first package (be nice please!). Convenience objects for working with long-running calcs and web requests.

json, thread, async
pip install nickmab.async_util==1.1.1


##About This is (at this point) just practice - my first ever python package.

I am trying to write simple utility code for working with simple threading and/or multiprocessing tasks.

I am specifically interested in using this package for web requests/queries and scientific computing.

##Documentation Simply download the source for this package (i.e. this whole folder structure) and you can view documentation by opening docs/_build/html/index.html in your web browser.

##Installation ###From source: python install in the parent (this) folder.

(You may need to put a 'sudo' in front of that depending on your permissions)

###From pip: pip install nickmab.async_util

##Tests Make sure '.' is on your PYTHONPATH environment variable, cd to the parent folder (this one, with the README in it) and run py.test (assuming you have it). All tests in the test dir should run.