
No bots with no captcha in Django forms.

pip install nocaptcha==0.1



No bots with no CAPTCHA. Easy and fast way to secure your Django forms without using the damned, hated by everyone CAPTCHA.

Initial Actions

Include nocaptcha in your settings' installed apps:


Typical Usage

Include nocaptcha in your form. Add secret password, that would be used in MD5 hash and min_time value -- the shortest time within which it is possible to fill your form:

from nocaptcha.forms import NoCaptchaForm

class ContactForm(NoCaptchaForm, forms.Form):
    secret_password = "NoCaptcha rocks!"
    min_time = 5
    name = forms.CharField(label="Name")
    message = forms.CharField(label="Message", widget=forms.Textarea)


From now on all the field names in your form will be encoded into a md5(timestamp + fieldname + secret_password). The timestamp field will be created with the timestamp of the page's initial GET. If the form is posted in less than min_time, an error will is raised. There are a few honeypots with tempting names like "name" or "password" added to the form and hidden with display: none style. If any of them are filled, an error will be raised. The honeypots are selected from the list of honeypots in random order.

With those changes, the chance that a bot would automatically pass through your form is reduced to zero. So stop using the damned, hated by everyone CAPTCHA. Use nocaptcha.


Django >= 1.1.1