A simple, yet useful Python toolkit

pip install noos-pyk==0.0.2



Noos Energy Request Toolkit

This is a simple, yet useful toolkit that supports you in writing Python clients to microservices-style apps.


Package available from the PyPi repository:

pip install noos-pyk

Usage as a library

The project currently houses a boilerplate to build Python HTTP and WebSocket clients to web services.

As an example, to implement a Python client wrapping up HashiCorp's Terraform Cloud API,

# Import the namespace within your project
from noos_pyk.clients import auth, json

# Define a bearer token authentication class
class TerraformAuth(auth.HTTPTokenAuth):
    default_header = "Authorization"
    default_value = "Bearer"

# Wireup all components for a JSON REST client
class TerraformClient(json.JSONClient, auth.AuthClient):
    default_base_url = "https://app.terraform.io/api/"
    default_content_type = "application/vnd.api+json"

    default_auth_class = TerraformAuth


On Mac OSX, make sure poetry has been installed and pre-configured,

brew install poetry

This project is shipped with a Makefile, which is ready to do basic common tasks.

~$ make
help                           Display this auto-generated help message
update                         Lock and install build dependencies
clean                          Clean project from temp files / dirs
format                         Run auto-formatting linters
install                        Install build dependencies from lock file
lint                           Run python linters
test                           Run pytest with all tests
package                        Build project wheel distribution
release                        Publish wheel distribution to PyPi