
Tiny CLI to post simultaneously to Mastodon and Bluesky

bluesky, mastodon
pip install not-my-ex==0.0.4


Not my ex PyPI Tests PyPI - Python Version

Tiny app to post simultaneously to Mastodon and Bluesky.

Obviously, based on cuducos/from-my-ex.

It supports:

  • Post status updates to both networks with a simple CLI command or GUI interface
  • Posting with images
  • Including alt text for images
  • Setting post language

It does not support:

  • Tagging other users (they would have different IDs and servers in each platform)

Getting started


  • Python 3.9 or newer

Environment variables

General settings
Name Description Example Default value
NOT_MY_EX_DEFAULT_LANG 2-letter ISO 639-1 code "pt" None
To post to Bluesky
Name Description Example Default value
NOT_MY_EX_BSKY_AGENT Bluesky instance "" ""
NOT_MY_EX_BSKY_EMAIL Email used in Bluesky "" None
NOT_MY_EX_BSKY_PASSWORD Password used in Bluesky As created in App Passwords. None

Not setting NOT_MY_EX_BSKY_EMAIL or NOT_MY_EX_BSKY_PASSWORD disables posting to Bluesky.

To post to Mastodon
Name Description Example Default value
NOT_MY_EX_MASTODON_INSTANCE Mastodon instance "" ""
NOT_MY_EX_MASTODON_TOKEN Mastodon access token Go to your Settings, Development and then create an app to get the access token. Select the write:statuses and write:media scopes. None

Not setting NOT_MY_EX_MASTODON_TOKEN disables posting to Mastodon.


$ pip install not-my-ex

If you want to use the GUI, pip install not-my-ex[gui].



$ not-my-ex "Magic, madness, heaven, sin" --images /tmp/1989.gif

You can skip --images or pass multiple images (e.g. --images taylor.jpg --images swift.gif).


If you have installed the GUI extra:

$ not-my-ex-gui

This is how it looks like:

Screenshot of not-my-ex GUI


from asyncio import gather

from httpx import AsyncClient

from not_my_ex.bluesky import Bluesky
from not_my_ex.mastodon import Mastodon
from import Media
from import Post

async def main():
    media_tasks = tuple(
        Media.from_img(path, alt=alt)
        for path, alt in (("taylor.jpg", "Taylor"), ("swift.jpg", "Swift"))
    media = await gather(*media_tasks)

    post = Post(text="Magic, madness, heaven, sin", media=media, lang="en")
    async with AsyncClient() as http:
        post_tasks = tuple(cls(http).post(post) for cls in (Bluesky, Mastodon))
        await gather(*post_tasks)

In Post, both media and lang are optional. In Media, alt is optional.


Requires uv Python package manager. The tests include Ruff and Mypy:

$ uv run python -m pytest