
generate jupyter notebook/lab template via command line

pip install notelate==0.0.3


What is notelate

generate jupyter notebook/lab template via command line

How to use

Install package

pip install notelate

Use notelate

With command line tool, type "notelate" and template name. Then, template notebook is generated at current directory

If template name is empty, basic template is generated

notelate [template name]

Check templates

Type "notelate list", then the installed templates are printed.

Add your template

There is two ways to add your original template

1.Contribute to github You can contribute this module with github

please add your notebook template to notelate/templates/ and raise pull requests.

We are waiting your great template!

2.Add your template to local folder you can simply put your notebook into local folder You can confirm the folder path by

notelate list


separate a space to store templates and download it only when a template is requested