
Observable, event-driven python!

event, observer, observability, observables, pubsub, pub-sub, publish, subscribe
pip install observatory==1.0.1



Observatory is a suite of tools for event-driven and observable python, including:


EventHooks can be connected to one or more "observers", callables that are invoked when the EventHook is emitted (with or without arguments):

def say_hello(x):                # <-- function to call when events occur
    print(f"hello {x}")

an_event_hook = EventHook()      # <-- event hook as a standalone object

an_event_hook.connect(say_hello) # <-- add observer

an_event_hook.emit("events")     # <-- emit event hook

# output: hello events

Functions (or static methods) can also be connected to a specific event hook at definition by using the "observes" decorator:

def print_it(x):
    print(f"hello {x}")

Type Hinting

EventHooks can be annotated to indicate the arguments that are expected to be emitted and passed to the observer:

an_event_hook: EventHook[str] = EventHook()

This should give static type checkers a good clue when emitting from and connecting to the event hook.

Type hinting only supports positional arguments currently -- static type checking may break if you need to emit keyword arguments directly to observers.


Event objects use EventHooks to add observability to otherwise opaque methods and functions. The EventHooks attached to an Event always emit an EventData object with information about the Event. See the Event class for more details.


def start(event_data):

def stop(event_data):

def function_one():
    print("in function_one")


# output: hello
# output: in some_function
# output: goodbye

Adding Context to Events

There are two ways to add additional information to an event -- "extra" data, and "tags".

"extra" data is a globally-defined dictionary that is shared between all calls to a given event:

@event(extra={"project": "SuperProject"})
def my_event():

"tags", on the other hand, are assigned to one particular execution of an event. Tags should be used when the data is likely to change each time an event is called. Tags can be assigned using dictionary-style keys on an event, within the function call.

This can be useful to get additional information into your logging, telemetry, or other event-based systems::

def my_event(asset_name):
    my_event["asset"] = asset_name

Observable Types

The provided observable data types allow us to connect callbacks to changes to our data.


Not strictly a data type itself, the ObservableAttr object emits an event hook every time the given attribute name is assigned a new value.

class X:
    attr = ObservableAttr(default=5)

x = X()

def print_it(new_value):
	print(f"new value is {new_value}")

x.attr = 10
# output: "new value is 10"

Observable Lists and Dicts

Observatory currently provides two observable data types - ObservableList and ObservableDict. These allow us to connect observers to changes that mutate the data in-place.

x = ObservableList([1, 2])

def correction(value):
    if value == 5:
        print("three, sir!")

# output: "three, sir!"


"Publish-subscribe" is a special case of the observer pattern, where subjects and observers are mediated by a third object.

An Event Broker is a middle-man object between events and their callbacks, allowing event-generating objects (publishers) and callbacks (subscribers) to never know about each-other's existence. A subscriber can subscribe to an event broker that has no publishers, and a publisher can publish to an event broker with no subscribers.

In order to make event filtering easier, event brokers can be organized into a hierarchy:

top_level_broker = get_event_broker("top")
child_broker = top_level_broker.child("middle")
grandchild_broker = child_broker.child("bottom")

A publisher can send data to subscribers via the broker broadcast function:

broker.broadcast("positional arg", keyword_arg=None)

A subscriber can receive data from publishers by connecting to the broker's broadcast_sent event:


Thread Safety

A primitive (hah) attempt has been made at thread-safety by using a single re-entrant lock for all functions that modify state in events. Thread-safety is not guaranteed, but should be sufficient for most use cases.