
🐳 Python client for Parity Secret Store.

pip install ocean-secret-store-client==0.0.1




🐳 Python client for Parity Secret Store. oceanprotocol.com

Travis (.com) PyPI

Table of Contents


  • Encrypt and publish encrypted documents to the Parity Secret Store.
  • Fetch and decrypt the documents from the Parity Secret Store, if permissions are given.


  • A URL of a Secret Store node that accepts requests.

  • A supported version of Python. For details, see setup.py.

  • A JSON-RPC URL of the Parity EVM client. It is strongly recommended to run the client locally.

  • A publisher Ethereum account, for publishing documents.

  • A consumer Ethreum account, for consuming documents.


Instantiate a publisher

from secret_store_client import Client

secret_store_url = 'http://localhost:8010'
parity_client_url = 'http://localhost:8545'
publisher_address = '0xc8307e6fbe40e97061a7b9f88b98df9249e4cefd'
publisher_password = 'publisherpwd'

publisher = Client(secret_store_url, parity_client_url,
                   publisher_address, publisher_password)

Publish a document

import hashlib

document = 'mySecretDocument'
# we need a 256 bit hash
document_id = hashlib.sha256(document.encode()).hexdigest()

encrypted = publisher.publish_document(document_id, document)

By default, if there are multiple Secret Store nodes, all nodes are required to participate in the encryption process. You can allow one or more nodes to not participate by passing a custom threshold parameter:

encrypted = publisher.publish_document(document_id, document, threshold=1)

You can find some guidance on how to choose a threshold here.

Instantiate a consumer

from secret_store_client import Client

secret_store_url = 'http://localhost:8010'
parity_client_url = 'http://localhost:8545'
consumer_address = '0xe887f790103a108e9c500cf167bfef019f5f41e0'
consumer_password = 'consumerpwd'

consumer = Client(secret_store_url, parity_client_url,
                  consumer_address, consumer_password)

Decrypt the document

decrypted = consumer.decrypt_document(document_id, encrypted)

assert 'mySecretDocument' == decrypted


The Secret Store setup instructions in this section is a simplification of the instructions presented here.

Download and compile the Parity Ethereum client

Follow these instructions.

Put the ./target/release/parity binary somewhere on your PATH.

Configure a publisher node

Make a copy of the user configuration template.

cp integration_tests/configs/users.template.toml integration_tests/configs/users.toml

Create an account.

parity --config integration_tests/configs/users.toml account new

It asks you for a password and outputs an address.

Now make a copy of the test configuration template.

cp integration_tests/configs/test_setup.template.conf integration_tests/configs/test_setup.conf

Insert your publisher password and address into the corresponding placeholders inside test_setup.conf.

Configure a consumer node

Repeat the steps from the previous section except for this time fill in consumer address and password in the configuration file.

Configure a Secret Store node

Make a copy of the Secret Store configuration template.

cp integration_tests/configs/secret_store.template.toml integration_tests/configs/secret_store.toml

Create an account.

parity --config integration_tests/configs/secret_store.toml account new

It asks you for a password and outputs an address.

Put your password into integration_tests/configs/ss.pwd. Put the account address into the corresponding place inside integration_tests/configs/secret_store.toml and uncomment the password = line.

Run the Secret Store node.

parity --config integration_tests/configs/secret_store.toml

It outputs its public node URL.

Public node URL: enode://a67dd8d6ffbf81fdd98fdae6902c527c77de34bc6fc39ffa8767126ee71d73484f8f7f692c02f095682b2578e11af004ab68ba47d8a923a7b868a040d2f6d479@

Insert this URL into the bootnodes list of your users.toml.

Deploy the test permission contract

Install truffle:

npm -g install truffle@beta

Note the versions the process was tested with.

npm 6.4.1
node v9.11.2
Truffle v5.0.0-beta.1 (core: 5.0.0-beta.1)
Solidity v0.4.25 (solc-js)

Compile the contract.

truffle compile

Deploy the contract.

truffle migrate

It outputs "contract address". Copy it and insert as a value for acl_contract into secret_store.toml.

Relaunch the node for the change to take action.

Run the nodes

The steps above have to only be performed once. Every time you want to develop or test, just run the Secret Store node and the Parity Ethereum client.

Run the Secret Store node:

parity --config integration_tests/configs/secret_store.toml

Run the Parity Ethereum client:

parity --config integration_tests/configs/users.toml

Execute integration tests

Make sure the Secret Store node and the Parity Ethereum client are up and running, then execute:

python3 setup.py test

Automatic tests are setup via Travis, executing tox. Our test use pytest framework.

Code style

The information about code style in python is documented in this two links python-developer-guide and python-style-guide.


pip install flake8
flake8 secret_store_client integration_tests tests

New Version

The bumpversion.sh script helps to bump the project version. You can execute the script using as first argument {major|minor|patch} to bump accordingly the version.


Copyright 2018 Ocean Protocol Foundation Ltd.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.