
Configure and update Odoo database with YAML files

odoo, configurator, xmlrpc, yaml
pip install odoo-configurator==3.5.2



Odoo Configurator simplifies and automates the configuration of Odoo using YAML files. It allows you to update the database, install/update/uninstall modules, configure settings, manage users, and perform various data manipulation operations. It is an essential tool for Odoo administrators looking to streamline their configuration workflow.


pip install odoo-configurator


odoo-configurator ./work_dir/project_name.local.yml

To run a configuration from the source code:

/odoo-configurator/start_config.py ./work_dir/project_name.local.yml

Provided file must contain the auth/odoo section to set connexion parameters.


    name: project_name local
    version: 16.0

        - ../work_dir/project_name/project_name.yml

            url: http://project_name.localhost
            dbname: project_name
            username: admin
            password: admin123

Theversion parameter is required for odoo versions >= 15.0

It's also possible to provide auth for other odoo servers, these connections can be used in python script files and specific imports.

        url: http://project_name.localhost
        dbname: project_name
        username: admin
        password: admin
        version: 16.0
        url: http://old.odoo.localhost
        dbname: project_name_v8
        username: admin
        password: admin
        version: 8.0
        url: http://next.odoo.localhost
        dbname: project_name_v17
        username: admin
        password: admin
        version: 17.0


Inherits param provide a list of configuration files witch content is merged before execution.

        - ../work_dir/project_name/sales.yml
        - ../work_dir/project_name/account.yml

Script Files

Script Files param provide a list of configuration files witch content will be executed sequentially.

        - ../work_dir/project_name/script1.yml
        - ../work_dir/project_name/script2.yml


Install Mode: To import datas with the value on_install_only: True add the "--install" parameter in command line:

./start_config.py ./clients/name/name.local.yml --install

Environment variables

Some parameters can be provided by environment variable.

Use ODOO_URL, ODOO_DB, ODOO_USER and ODOO_PASSWORD instead of using auth/odoo params in config file

Use KEEPASS_PASSWORD instead of --keepass command line parameter

Pre Update

To prepare a configuration or add a fix use "pre_update", the given scripts will be executed before the normal configuration.

        - ../exemple/exemple.pre_update_script.yml


To install modules use "modules"

        - example_module

To update modules use "updates"

        - example_module

To uninstall modules use "uninstall_modules"

        - example_module

Set config parameters (Settings)

to set the value of a setting (res.config.settings)

        group_use_lead: True

For a specific company configuration use the company_id parameter:

    settings main_company:
        company_id: get_ref("base.main_company")
        chart_template_id: get_ref("l10n_fr.l10n_fr_pcg_chart_template")
        context: { 'lang': 'fr_FR' }

A context can be passed to the config command.

Set system parameters

to set the value of a system parameter (ir.config_parameter)

Company System Parameters:
    Mail Default From Filter:
      key: mail.default.from_filter
      value: my-company.com

Create or update records

If the record with the xml id provided with force_id don't exist, the record will be created.

    Records to create:
            My record 1:
                model: res.partner
                force_id: external_config.partner_1
                    name: Partner 1
                    ref: PARTNER1
            My record 2:
                model: res.user
                force_id: base.user_admin
                    name: Admin User

Load records

Using load parameter will speed up creation and update of record compared to single record update.

    Records to load:
        load: True
        model: res.partner
            My record 1:
                force_id: external_config.record1
                    name: Record 1
                    ref: REC1
            My record 2:
                force_id: external_config.record2
                    name: Record 2
                    ref: REC2

Update records with a domain

To update values of multiple records, set a domain with "update_domain" :

    Update Example:
      model: res.partner
      update_domain: "[('email','=','example@test.com')]"
        name: Example

Available functions

All functions in OdooConnection starting by get_ are callable from yml files.

  • get_ref
  • get_image_url
  • get_image_local
  • get_local_file
  • get_country
  • get_menu
  • get_search_id
  • get_xml_id_from_id
  • get_record

These functions can be nested by using the o object:

Ir model Data Config:
    Add employee document xmlid:
      model: ir.model.data
      force_id: template_01_employee_01
        model: paper.paper
        module: external_config
        name: template_01_employee_01
        res_id: get_search_id('paper.paper', [
                ('template_id', '=', o.get_ref('external_config.template_01')),
                ('res_id', '=', o.get_ref('external_config.employee_01'))
                ], 'desc')

Special field name

field_name_id/id : to provide a xmlid to many2one fields instead of a value, without using get_ref field_name_ids/id : to provide a list of xmlid to many2many fields field_name/json : to provide a list or dict to convert into json string

Server Actions and Functions

To call a model function:

    001 Call Function:
        Call Function:
          function: example_function
          model: res.parnter
          res_id: get_ref("base.partner_demo")
          params: ['param1', param2]
          kw: {'extra_param1': get_ref('external_config.extra_param1')}  

To call an action server (ir.actions.server):

    002 Call Action Server:
        Call Action Server:
          action_server_id: get_ref("custom_module.action_exemple")
          model: res.parnter
          res_id: get_ref("base.partner_demo")


To set groups on a user you can remove previous groups with "unlink all".

        Portal Users:
            User Example 1:
                force_id: base.user_example
                login: example@test.com
                    - unlink all
                    - base.group_portal
                    name: Portal User Example 1

Other data tools

  • delete_all
  • delete_domain
  • delete_id
  • deactivate
  • activate
  • update_domain
    • search_value_xml_id
      • this option allows to pass an id from xml_id to a domain

      • Can be used with update_domain, activate, deactivate:

                      Deactivate Partner Title doctor:
                          model: res.partner.title
                          search_value_xml_id: base.res_partner_title_doctor
                          deactivate: "[('id', '=', search_value_xml_id)]"


To set the translation of a translatable field, use the languages option. Example:

    Mail Templates:
                model: mail.template
                force_id: mail.notification_template
                    - fr_FR
                    - en_US
                    body_html: |
                            Text for french and english

Mattermost Notification

To set a Mattermost url and channel where to send notifications:

    mattermost_channel: my-channel
    mattermost_url: https://mattermost.xxx.com/hooks/dfh654fgh

To avoid Mattermost notification, add in main yaml file:

    no_notification: True


Keepass is a tool to store and protect passwords.

Available functions to use stored values in Keepass:

    password: get_keepass_password('path/passwords.kdbx', 'Folder Name', 'Key Name')
    user: get_keepass_user('path/passwords.kdbx', 'Folder Name', 'Key Name')
    url: get_keepass_url('path/passwords.kdbx', 'Folder Name', 'Key Name')

To avoid to repeat path and group in Keepass functions, you can set keepass_path and keepass_group

keepass_path: path/passwords.kdbx
keepass_group: Folder Name

my_secret: get_keepass_password('Key Name')

3 ways to pass the Keepass password to odoo-configurator :

  • Provide Keepass password with the keepass parameter in command line: --keepass='mdp***'
  • Set the KEEPASS_PASSWORD environment variable
  • Manually. If it's required odoo-configurator will ask to type the password with the prompt Keepass Password:

In PyCharm, to type the Keepass password, please check the Emulate terminal in output console option in your run/debug configuration.


Bitwarden is a tool to store and protect passwords. Make sure Bitwarden CLI is installed.

Credentials to connect to Bitwarden Vault can be set by environment variables, please report to the s6r-bitwarden-cli documentation

An over option is to set the value of bitwarden_username and bitwarden_password in yml file. Obviously, do not save password directly in your yml file, use Keepass functions for example.

bitwarden_username: get_keepass_user('Bitwarden')
bitwarden_password: get_keepass_password('Bitwarden')

Standard CSV Import

Columns in the CSV file must be the technical name of the field. A column "id" is required to allow update of datas.

In yml file, use the import_csv entry in the import_data section:

        import_csv Product Template:
            on_install_only: True
            model: product.template
            name_create_enabled_fields: uom_id,uom_po_id,subscription_template_id
            file_path: ../datas/todoo/product.template.csv
            specific_import: base/import_specific.py
            specific_method: import_partner
            batch_size: 200
            skip_line: 1420
            limit: 100
            context: {'install_mode': True}

Required fields:

  • model
  • file_path

Optional fields:

  • name_create_enabled_fields : List of the fields which are allowed to "Create the record if it doesn't exist"
  • on_install_only : Do the csv export only in Install Mode
  • context : Provide a specific context for imports
  • specific_import : Path to a specific Python file
  • specific_method : Import method to use form the file specific_import
  • batch_size : Number of records by load batch
  • limit : Maximum number of record to import
  • skip_line : index of the record to start with

Specific Import with Python script

Use the import_data section:

Import Scripts:
    Task Import 001:
      model: project.product
      file_path: scripts/products.csv
      specific_import: scripts/import_products.py
      specific_method: import_products

scripts/import_products.py :

from odoo_configurator.import_manager import ImportManager

def import_products(self, file_path, model, params):
    fields = self.get_model_fields(model)
    raw_datas = self.parse_csv_file_dictreader(file_path, fields)
    m_order = self.odoo.model('sale.order')
    orders = m_order.search([], context=self._context)
    self.logger.info('Orders : %s' % ','.join([o['name'] for o in orders]))
    company_ids_cache = self.odoo.get_id_ref_dict('res.company')
    company_xmlid_cache = self.odoo.get_xmlid_dict('res.company')
    products = self.odoo.search('product.template', [], context=self._context)

ImportManager.import_products = import_products

Run Python script

Use the python_script section:

  Data Transfer:
    file: scripts/transfer_script.py
    method: data_transfer
      param1: TEST

It's possible to add connection to other odoo database by adding, for exemple, odoo_base_v16 in the auth section. odoo_base_v16 can be used easily in python scripts by referring to self.odoo_base_v16:

    url: http://odoo_my_customer17.localhost
    dbname: my_customer17
    username: admin
    password: admin
    version: 17.0
    url: http://odoo_my_customer16.localhost
    dbname: my_customer16
    username: admin
    password: admin
    version: 16.0

scripts/transfer_script.py :

from src.odoo_configurator.import_manager import ImportManager

def data_transfer(self, params=dict):
    # Search analytic lines on my_customer17 (the main database)
    analytic_lines = self.odoo.search("account.analytic.line", [], fields=['name', 'partner_id'])
    for analytic_line in analytic_lines:
        if analytic_line['partner_id']:
            partner_id = analytic_line['partner_id'][0]
            # Read partner on my_customer16 (the extra database)
            partner = self.odoo_base_v16.read('res.partner', [partner_id], fields=['name', 'email'])
            if partner:
                self.logger.info('analytic_line %s partner %s' % (analytic_line['id'], partner[0]['name']))

ImportManager.data_transfer = data_transfer

Connection to SQL database

Use the sql_auth section:

    db_type: postgresql
    url: localhost
    dbname: my_shop_prod
    username: admin
    password: get_keepass_password('My Shop Admin')

Available database types

  • Postgresql (postgresql)
  • MS SQL Server (mssql)

scripts/sql_transfer_script.py :

from src.odoo_configurator.import_manager import ImportManager

def sql_transfer(self, params=dict):
    query = 'select name, email from res_partner'
    cr = self.sql_my_shop.execute(query)
    for partner_values in cr.fetchall():
            self.logger.info('Partner %s' % partner_values['name'])

ImportManager.sql_transfer = sql_transfer

Generate YML data file from a model

This configuration will generate a res_partner.yml file in the config directory

        Portal Form:
            model: res.partner
            domain: [['is_company', '=', True]]  # Don't use parenthesis in the domain
            order_by: name, ref
            force_export_fields: ["email_formatted", "country_code"]
            excluded_fields: ["email", "country_id"]
            context: {'active_test': False}

Release Configuration

Some configurations need to be executed on every platform until the production release. After that we need to archive these configuration files. We will store the files in the directory release_config for example. To run all these files, add the release_directory parameter in your main configuration file:

    release_directory: ./release_config

To back up the release files after the execution of the production configuration, add the clear_release_directory parameter in you production configuration file.

  clear_release_directory: True


  • David Halgand
  • Michel Perrocheau - Github


This software was created by Hodei formerly Teclib' ERP, maintenance is now being handled by Scalizer.

