odoo_python - Database
This package will help to connect odoo database. It converts xmlrpc
based api into into simple functions.
Please give it a star on github if you like it.
How to install
pip install odoo-helper
How to use
from odoo_helper import api
Initialize it
odoo = api(
self.url = 'host'
self.db = 'database'
self.user = 'user'
self.password = 'password'
Get a version
odoo.version() # 1.1
Get a Client
odoo.client() # xmlrpc.client
Get a authenticate
odoo.authenticate() # boolean
Check access to a certain model
model: str,
right: str = 'check_access_rights',
chmod: List[str] = ['read'],
raise_exception: bool = True,
) # boolean
search record in the model
model: str,
condition: List[List[list]] = [[]],
limit: int = -1,
offset: int = -1
) # any
search record in the model and returns their ids
model: str,
condition: List[List[list]] = [[]],
limit: int = -1,
offset: int = -1
) # any
read record in the model and returns their row
model: str,
condition: List[List[list]] = [[]],
limit: int = -1,
offset: int = -1
) # any
count record in the model
model: str,
condition: List[List[list]] = [[]]
): # any
check if data exists or not
model: str,
condition: List[List[list]] = [[]],
attributes: List[str] = []
): # any
search the table and fetch the records from model
self, model: str,
condition: List[List[list]] = [[]],
fields: List[str] = [],
limit: int = -1,
offset: int = -1
): # any
creates a records
model: str,
data: list = []
): # any
updates a records
model: str,
id: List[int],
value: dict
delete a records
model: str,
condtion: List[List[list]] = [[]]