API Wrapper for The Observatory for Economic Complexity

oec, python
pip install oec==0.2.4


Python Wrapper for The Observatory for Economic Complexity API

Language: Python 3
Data Source: Observatory for Economic Complexity (OEC)


As of June 2021, the OEC has migrated to a new website at oec.world, and this new site no longer hosts a free API. There is a legacy version of the site hosted at legacy.oec.world, and this library has been updated to refer to that legacy version.


pip install oec


Get data from OEC

import oec

# Set parameters in accordance with API documentation
params = {'classification': 'hs92',
          'trade_flow': 'export',
          'year': 2015,
          'origin': 'egy',
          'destination': 'all',
          'product': 'show'}

list_of_countries = oec.get_countries()
list_of_products = oec.get_products(params['classification'])
list_of_exports = oec.get_trade(**params)

These functions each return lists of dictionaries. Each of these dictionaries represents a "row" of data (e.g. one country or product). The fields of these dictionaries represent "columns" of data. This is easier to visualize if you output your data to a CSV file.

Export to CSV

oec.data_to_csv(list_of_dictionaries, 'results.csv')

These CSV files can then be opened up in the spreadsheet editor of your choice for further analysis.

Generate links to visualizations

>>> oec.url_visual(**params)
>>> oec.embed_visual(**params)
'<iframe src="https://legacy.oec.world/en/visualize/embed/tree_map/hs92/export/egy/all/show/2015/" width=930 height=400></iframe>'
>>> oec.url_visual(**params, language='fr')


Function-level documentation and language list: see help.txt or run python -m pydoc oec
OEC API documentation
Data attributes and field names


Credits to Alex Simoes for the development of The Observatory for Economic Complexity. This module was developed by Yahia Ali, who is not affiliated in any way with the OEC team.