A Slack chat bot for Opengear Lighthouse

api, opengear, lighthouse, slackbot
pip install oglhslack==


Lighthouse API client

This project provides a ready to go implementation of the Lighthouse API Client as a Slack Bot.

It has also a Docker image for launching the slack bot in minutes.


The Lighthouse API Client expects to find the following environment variables:

  • (required) OGLH_API_USER a valid Lighthouse user
  • (required) OGLH_API_PASS a valid Lighthouse user's password
  • (required) OGLH_API_URL the Lighthouse API url without /api/v1

Lighthouse Slack Bot

It expects to find the following environment variables:

  • (required) SLACK_BOT_TOKEN which is provided by Slack at the moment of creating a bot.
  • (required) SLACK_BOT_NAME is the name given to the Slack bot.
  • (required) SLACK_BOT_DEFAULT_CHANNEL a default Slack channel name used for warnings.
  • (optional) SLACK_BOT_DEFAULT_LOG_CHANNEL a Slack channel name for logs, if it is not provided, logs will be printed to a file only, but logs classified as high priority like warnings and errors will be printed to the SLACK_BOT_DEFAULT_CHANNEL when SLACK_BOT_DEFAULT_LOG_CHANNEL is not set.
  • (optional) SLACK_BOT_ADMIN_CHANNEL is the name for the administrator channel, if no name is informed, it is assumed to be oglhadmin.

The Lighhouse Slack bot can be triggered as simple as:

>>> from oglhslack import OgLhSlackBot
>>> slack_bot = OgLhSlackBot()
>>> slack_bot.listen()

Or, straight from the terminal:

$ python oglhslack.py


It is possible to interact with the Slack Bot in private messages (PM), private or public channels. When commands are not performed in private messages, they must be prefixed by @mybot, where mybot is the bot's name.

Built in commands

There is a small set of commands which can be found the bot's help, they are pretty straight in what they do. It is possible this list of commands through:

@mybot help

Some commands have (admin only) on theirs descriptions, indicating that they can be performed in the oglhadmin channel.

API client commands

This commands follow the Lighthouse API Client conventions.

For listing objects like nodes it is possible to perform:

@mybot list nodes

For listing tags belonging to a node with id my-node-name:

@mybot list tags from node my-node-name

For listing smartgroups:

@mybot list smartgroups from nodes

For getting information regarding to a specific node:

@mybot find node my-node-name

For getting systems's information:

@mybot get hostname from system

It works basically as:

Listing objects of a given type, like nodes, ports, and so on.

list objects

Listing objects of a given type, belonging to a parent object, like system.

list objects from parent-object

Listing objects of a given type, belonging to a parent object specified by its id.

list objects from parent-object parent-name

Find specific objects by their ids.

find object object-name

Find specific objects by their ids, when belonging to parent objects.

find object object-name from parent-object

find object object-name from parent-object parent-name

Get objects when list and find do not apply

get object from parent-object

Channels conventions

Administration channel

Commands that make changes in Lighthouse are not allowed in normal channels or in private messages.

In order to execute such commands, it is required that the Slack administrator creates a channel named oglhadmin, or with the name specified in the SLACK_BOT_ADMIN_CHANNEL environment variable. This channel is supposed to be open for authorized members only.

Docker image

The Opengear Lighthouse docker image is available at https://hub.docker.com/r/opengeardev/oglhslack/.

It requires a file containing the environment variables as specified here.

It is supposed to be like:


For launching the Slack bot just run:

$ sudo docker run --env-file /path/to/my/env.list opengeardev/oglhslack