
One-Line and Obfuscated Python

pip install olop-ShadowLugia650==0.0.2


OLOP: One-Line & Obfuscated Python

This repository contains useful python modules for one-line and obfuscated python.

pip install olop-ShadowLugia650

Wiki: FAQ and OLP Tips and Tricks

One-Line Python (OLP)

These files are located within src/olp

olp.py: primitives within olp to be imported for olp scripts

__import__("olp", fromlist=("olp")).olp.primitives

includes: one-line while loop, one-line do while loop, inheritance

oldec.py: a one-line python decoder file which can be called from a python script. Common Usage:

globals().update(oldec = __import__("olp", fromlist=("oldec")).oldec) or oldec.beautify(oldec.parse_recursive("SOME_OLP_STRING"))

or, for non olp programmers

from olp import oldec

code = oldec.beautify(oldec.parse_recursive("SOME_OLP_STRING"))

NOTE: oldec.py cannot parse all arbitrary one-line python files, as they can take numerous different forms (such as and OLP vs or OLP), and it looks for specific aspects within some one-line python programs (it doesn't work on itself either)

oldec_cmd.py: a one-line python decoding command line utility, for decoding olp outside of a python script. Common Usage:

python oldec_cmd.py <olp_file.py> -r -b

python oldec_cmd.py can also be used to see usage information.

Obfuscated Python

Prototyping this is still a work in progress.