
A JSON schema editor and validator for OpenMaker survey data.

pip install omdata==0.1.2


OpenMaker Community Data Standardization

It aims data standardization and interoperability between oinsight modules and its third party clients. oinsight is a set of data mining and machine learning functionalities developed under the OpenMaker Project:

Current functionalities

Current version provides a set of command-line tools as well as a python module

  • to be able to validate a JSON file against its predesigned schema
  • to be able to inspect and query the design of a JSON schema


Via Python's standard distribution channel PyPI

pip install omdata

Via its GitHub source

git clone
cd omdata
pip install .


Command line tools

Validating a json file against its schema:

om-json validate -q <jsonfile> -s <schemafile>

Inspecting top level major fields/dictionary entries of the data file:

om-schema inspect fields-top -s <schemafile> 

Listing all -including the nested ones- fields of an expected data file:

om-schema inspect fields-all -s <schemafile> 

Listing all required fields of a json file to be generated:

om-schema inspect fields-required -s <schemafile> 

Querying description of each fields:

om-schema inspect questions -s <schemafile> 

In the case of OpenMaker survey data implementation this corresponds to a query to see the mapping between a survey question and the corresponding json entry.

In other applications

>>> import omdata

For the details see the tutorial on Jupyter Notebook


  • Publishing the Docstring documentation on GitHub pages
  • Adding editing functionalities on a given schema file
  • Updating the test suits for command-line entry points.

Learn more about the OpenMaker project: