OneCall Crypto Trading package
onecall library is used to connect and trade with cryptocurrency exchanges and payment processing services worldwide. It provides quick access to market data for storage, analysis, visualization, indicator development, algorithmic trading, strategy backtesting, bot programming, and related software engineering.
It is intended to be used by coders, developers, technically-skilled traders, data-scientists and financial analysts for building trading algorithms.
Available Crypto exchanges
- Binance
- Phemex
- Kucoin
- Bybit
Use the package manager pip to install foobar.
pip install onecall
Getting available Exchange list
import onecall
exchanges = onecall.exchanges
connecting to exchange
from onecall import Binance
# create mainnet client
client = Biance(key="<api_key>",
# create testnet client
client = Biance(key="<api_key>",
# get all positions for a symbol
positions = client.get_positions("<symbol>")
#cancel all orders
response = client.cancel_orders("<symbol>")
# get kline data.
kline = client.get_data("<symbol>", client.INTERVAL_30m, is_dataframe=True) #is_dataframe flag return data as pandas.Dataframe instead of json
# get orderbook
orderbook = client.get_orderbook("<symbol>", is_dataframe=True) #is_dataframe flag return data as pandas.Dataframe instead of json
#get account balance
balance = client.get_balance()
# place market order
response = client.market_order("<symbol>", client.BUY_SIDE, 10)
# place limit order
response = client.limit_order("<symbol>", client.BUY_SIDE, 10, .02000)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.