
OOP abstraction/wrapper for work with SQL data bases

pip install oopdb==0.0.2



OOPDB - OOP wrapper for work with database. For now it's based on sqlite3 python lib.

Supported database features

  • Data types
    • Integer (DataTypes.INTEGER) - simple type for storing integer numbers
    • Text (DataTypes.TEXT) - simple type for storing text/strings with a maximum length of 65'535 bytes
  • Rows styling
    • Dictionary - result on fetch will be list of dictionaries with keys equals to column names that was used in query
    • Tuple - result on fetch will be list of tuples with value order equals to column names order that was used in query
  • Expression
    • Equal - checks that value in table with given column name matches some given value
    • Greater than - checks that value in table with given column name bigger than some given value
    • Less than - checks that value in table with given column name less than some given value
    • Greater than or equal - checks that value in table with given column name bigger than some given value or equal
    • Less than or equal - checks that value in table with given column name less than some given value or equal
    • Not equal - checks that value in table with given column name doesn't match some given value
    • Like - checks that value in table with given column name matches some given pattern
    • Between - checks that value in table with given column name matches some given interval
    • In - checks that value in table with given column name consists in the given list of values
    • Or - boolean operation that concatenates some other two expressions
    • And - boolean operation that concatenates some other two expressions
    • Not - negates some expression
  • Column configurations
    • Column config - base abstraction for describing column configuration using following information
      • Name
      • Nullability
      • Type - type from DataTypes
    • Primary key - abstraction based on column config abstraction using following additional information
      • Autoincrement
    • Foreign key - abstraction based on column config abstraction using following additional information
      • Reference table name
      • Reference column name
  • Commands
    • Create table - creates table with the given name and list of column configurations
    • Select - select data from the given table and list of given column names in the table
      • Distinct - optional configuration for select command to retrieve unique values
    • Table names - get all table names that are exist in database
    • Column names - get all column names that are exist in the table with the given table name
    • Insert into - append row values to the table with the given name and list of column names
    • Select count - select row count from the table with the given name
      • Distinct - optional configuration for select count command to retrieve count of the unique column values
    • Inner join - merges two tables with the given table names and column names
    • Order by - sort result by the given lists of column names and orders for each column
    • Update - updates the table with the given name by the given lists of column names and new values for that columns
    • Where - adds some condition based on Expression abstraction to the database queries
    • Delete - deletes rows using conditions
    • Last row id - returns the latest row's id that was inserted to the given table