
Simple, pure Python 3.7 client for the Empatica E4 streaming server.

pip install open-e4-client==0.0.3b2


PyPI version


Pure Python 3.7+ client for the Empatica E4 realtime streaming server.



None, runs on pure Python 3.7+.

Setting up through Pip:

The library can easily be installed from PyPi by running:

pip install open-e4-client

Alternatively, it can be installed from the github repo itself:

pip install git+

Basic Usage

This library provides a simple class E4StreamingClient to interact with the Empatica E4 streaming server. This class is intended to be used as a context manager for easy cleanup of the underlying socket objects:

from e4client import E4StreamingClient

with E4StreamingClient('', 28000) as client:
    dev_list = client.list_connected_devices()
# dev_list = (E4Device(uid='FFFFFF', name='Empatica_E4', allowed=True), ...)

Connecting to a specific E4 for streaming also creates a context manager which cleans up subscriptions and disconnects from the device on context exit:

from e4client import E4StreamingClient, E4DataStreamID
import threading

with E4StreamingClient('', 28000) as client:
    dev_list = client.list_connected_devices()

    with client.connect_to_device(dev_list[0]) as conn:
        # connected to the first device here
        event = threading.Event()
        def _callback(stream: E4DataStreamID, timestamp: float, *data):
            print(stream, timestamp, *data)

        conn.subscribe_to_stream(E4DataStreamID.TAG, _callback)
        # block and wait for a tag press:

    # device disconnected here, no need to disconnect or unsubscribe,
    # all is handled by the context manager. 

The example above connects to the server, then connects to the first available E4, subscribes to the TAG stream and waits for a single press before disconnecting smoothly. This example also exposes the handling of subscriptions: each subscription is associated with a callback which the library executes on a separate thread, once per sample. The callbacks passed to subscribe_to_stream() will receive arguments in the form:

(stream_id, timestamp, datum_1, datum_2, ..., datum_n)

The following simple example shows the complete basic usage of the API to connect to the server, subscribe to a couple of streams and print them asynchronously for 30 seconds before silently and smoothly shutting down:

import time

from e4client import *

def print_sub(stream_id, timestamp, *sample) -> None:
    print(, timestamp, *sample)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with E4StreamingClient('', 28000) as client:
        devs = client.list_connected_devices()
        with client.connect_to_device(devs[0]) as conn:
            conn.subscribe_to_stream(E4DataStreamID.ACC, print_sub)
            conn.subscribe_to_stream(E4DataStreamID.TEMP, print_sub)



This software is licensed under an Apache v2 License. For details, see file LICENSE.