
Python wrapper for XML output generator for Open Fortran Parser

abstract, syntax, tree, ast, parser, xml, abstract-syntax-tree, ofp, open-fortran-parser
pip install open-fortran-parser==0.5.4


XML output generator for Open Fortran Parser

build status from Travis CI license

Implementation has 2 parts: the XML generator written in Java, and Python wrapper for the generator.

In this file, first the Java implementation is described and then the Python wrapper.

Java XML generator for OFP

This is an extension of Open Fortran Parser (OFP), which outputs abstract syntaxt tree (AST) of parsed Fortran file in XML format - to a file or to System.out.


how to build

Get dependencies, either manually, or using the provided script:

python3 open_fortran_parser/
export CLASSPATH="${CLASSPATH}:$(pwd)/lib/*"


export CLASSPATH="${CLASSPATH}:$(pwd)/dist/*"

This will create a .jar file in dist directory.

how to run

java fortran.ofp.FrontEnd --class fortran.ofp.XMLPrinter \
  --output output.xml --verbosity 0~100 input.f


  • The --verbosity flag controls verbosity of the parse tree. Defaluts to 100 when omitted.
    • Maximum, 100, means that all details picked up by Open Fortran Parser will be preserved.
    • Minimum, 0, means that tree will contain only what is needed to reconstruct the program without changing it's meaning.
  • The --output flag controls where the XML should be written. Defaults to standard output when omitted.

and remaining command-line options are exactly as defined in OFP 0.8.4.

To parse some_fortran_file.f and save XML output in tree.xml with minimum verbosity:

java fortran.ofp.FrontEnd --class fortran.ofp.XMLPrinter \
  --output tree.xml --verbosity 0 some_fortran_file.f

And to dump XML with maximum verbosity to console:

java fortran.ofp.FrontEnd --class fortran.ofp.XMLPrinter \
  --verbosity 100 some_fortran_file.f

AST specification

In progress.

Root node is <ofp>, it has one subnode <file>.

Python wrapper for the generator

package version from PyPI test coverage from Coveralls

Using the wrapper should not require any special knowledge about the generator itself, other than knowing the abstract syntax tree (AST) specification.


Java 1.8.

Python version >= 3.6.

Python libraries as specified in requirements.txt.

Building and running tests additionally requires packages listed in dev_requirements.txt.

how to build

- pip3 install -U -r dev_requirements.txt
  python3 sdist --formats=gztar,zip
  python3 bdist_wheel

how to run

The wrapper can be used as a script, or as a library.

Before running, however, please make sure that dependencies are configured correctly. You can do that by either following the "how to build" section for Java implementation above, or by executing this:

python3 open_fortran_parser/
export CLASSPATH="${CLASSPATH}:$(pwd)/lib/*"

as script

$ python3 -m open_fortran_parser -h
usage: open_fortran_parser [-h] [-v VERBOSITY] input [output]

Python wrapper around XML generator for Open Fortran Parser 0.8.4

positional arguments:
  input                 path to Fortran source code file
  output                writable path for where to store resulting XML,
                        defaults to stdout if no path provided (default: None)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERBOSITY, --verbosity VERBOSITY
                        level of verbosity, from 0 to 100 (default: 100)

Copyright 2017 Mateusz Bysiek, Apache License 2.0

as library

from open_fortran_parser import parse

xml = parse('my_legacy_code.f', verbosity=0)


python3 -m pylint --load-plugins=pylint.extensions.mccabe --docstring-min-length 5 \
  --no-docstring-rgx "^(test)?_|.*Tests$" --unsafe-load-any-extension y \
  --output-format colorized  --reports y $(find . -name "*.py")
python3 -m coverage run --branch -m unittest discover --verbose
python3 -m coverage report --show-missing
python3 -m coverage html