
openvpn-auth-duo connects to the openvpn management interface and handle the authentication against duo.

OpenVPN, AzureAD, authentication, duo
pip install openvpn-auth-duo==1.3


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State: Proof of concept!

openvpn-auth-duo is an external service connects to the openvpn management interface and handles the authentication of connecting users with MFA via duo security

OpenVPN version 2.4 is required. 2.5 is not tested yet.

Tested environment


  • Python 3.8+


  • OpenVPN 2.4.9


  • Tunnelblick 3.8.3


Currently, openvpn-auth-duo supports push notification via the duo security app


via pip

# pip install openvpn-auth-duo

For install pip on your system, see pip docs.

To run a persistent daemon, you copy the systemd unit file to /etc/systemd/system, then run

# systemctl enable openvpn-auth-azure-ad
# systemctl start openvpn-auth-azure-ad

via docker

# docker run --rm \
    -v <path of openvpn mgmt socket>:/openvpn/management.sock
    -v /etc/openvpn-auth-azure-ad/config.conf:/etc/openvpn-auth-azure-ad/config.conf \
    -e AAD_CLIENT_ID= \
    -e AAD_OVPN_SOCKET_PATH=/openvpn/management.sock \


Args that start with '--' (eg. -V) can also be set in a config file (/etc/openvpn-auth-azure-ad/config.conf or ~/.openvpn-auth-azure-ad or specified via -c). Config file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at If an arg is specified in more than one place, then commandline values override environment variables which override config file values which override defaults.

usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-V] [-t THREADS] [-a AUTHENTICATORS] [--auth-token] [--auth-token-livetime AUTH_TOKEN_LIVETIME] [--remember-user] [--verify-common-name] [-H OVPN_HOST]
                                [-P OVPN_PORT] [-s OVPN_SOCKET] [-p OVPN_PASSWORD] --client-id CLIENT_ID [--token-authority TOKEN_AUTHORITY] [--graph-endpoint GRAPH_ENDPOINT] [--prometheus]
                                [--prometheus-listen-addr PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_ADDR] [--prometheus-listen-port PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_PORT] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL]

Args that start with '--' (eg. -V) can also be set in a config file (/etc/openvpn-auth-azure-ad/config.conf or ~/.openvpn-auth-azure-ad or specified via -c). Config file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true,
stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at If an arg is specified in more than one place, then commandline values override environment variables which override config file values which
override defaults.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        path of config file [env var: AAD_CONFIG_PATH]
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Amount of threads to handle authentication [env var: AAD_THREAD_COUNT]

OpenVPN User Authentication:
                        Enable authenticators. Multiple authenticators can be separated with comma [env var: AAD_AUTHENTICATORS]
  --auth-token          Use auth token to re-authenticate clients [env var: AAD_AUTH_TOKEN]
  --auth-token-livetime AUTH_TOKEN_LIVETIME
                        Livetime of auth tokens in seconds [env var: AAD_AUTH_TOKEN_LIFETIME]
  --remember-user       If user authenticated once, the users refresh token is used to reauthenticate silently if possible. [env var: AAD_REMEMBER_USER]
  --verify-common-name  Check if common_name matches Azure AD UPN [env var: AAD_VERIFY_COMMON_NAME]

OpenVPN Management Interface settings:
  -H OVPN_HOST, --ovpn-host OVPN_HOST
                        Host of OpenVPN management interface. [env var: AAD_OVPN_HOST]
  -P OVPN_PORT, --ovpn-port OVPN_PORT
                        Port of OpenVPN management interface. [env var: AAD_OVPN_PORT]
  -s OVPN_SOCKET, --ovpn-socket OVPN_SOCKET
                        Path of socket or OpenVPN management interface. [env var: AAD_OVPN_SOCKET_PATH]
  -p OVPN_PASSWORD, --ovpn-password OVPN_PASSWORD
                        Passwort for OpenVPN management interface. [env var: AAD_OVPN_PASSWORD]

Azure AD settings:
  --client-id CLIENT_ID
                        Client ID of application. [env var: AAD_CLIENT_ID]
  --token-authority TOKEN_AUTHORITY
                        A URL that identifies a token authority. It should be of the format By default, we will use
                        [env var: AAD_TOKEN_AUTHORITY]
  --graph-endpoint GRAPH_ENDPOINT
                        Endpoint of the graph API. See: [env var: AAD_GRAPH_ENDPOINT]

Prometheus settings:
  --prometheus          Enable prometheus statistics [env var: AAD_PROMETHEUS_ENABLED]
  --prometheus-listen-addr PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_ADDR
                        prometheus listen addr [env var: AAD_PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_HOST]
  --prometheus-listen-port PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_PORT
                        prometheus statistics [env var: AAD_PROMETHEUS_PORT]
  --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Configure the logging level. [env var: AAD_LOG_LEVEL]

Register an app with AAD



  1. Login as admin into tenant
  2. Open App registrations in Azure AD admin center
  3. Click new registration
  4. Pick a name, chose a "Supported account types"-option. Let the redirect uri blank and click register.
  5. Copy the client-id. You need the client-id as configuration option for openvpn-auth-azure-ad.
  6. Click on Authentication on the left menu
  7. "Add a platform", pick Mobile and desktop applications and chose the "MSAL only" option.
  8. On Advanced settings, set "Treat application as a public client" to yes.

Required settings on OpenVPN configuration files


management socket-name unix [pw-file]

See Reference manual for OpenVPN for detailed management settings.


auth-user-pass pass.txt
auth-retry interact

auth-user-pass is always required otherwise dynamic challenges will not work. for totp and duo, we create a dummy pass.txt file with the values


since the username for duo and totp storage are tied to the cert common name.

Prometheus support

openvpn-auth-duo has some built-in prometheus support to collect some statistics about authenticators. By default, the prometheus endpoint listen on port 9723.

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Copyright and license

© 2020 Jan-Otto Kröpke (jkroepke) © 2021 Preetam Shingavi (2ps)

Licensed under the MIT License