
To get weather data using the OpenWeather API.

pip install openweather_report==0.1.0


OpenWeather Report

Get weather using OpenWeather API and save to a database.


To install, you can use pipx:

$ pipx install openweather_report

If using pip I would suggest installing into a virtual environment. Note that libpq is required for psycopg2. Below is how to install using a Debian based distro like Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt install install libpq-dev libpq5

Then you can install openweather_report. Then to get help, do:

$ openweather_report --help
Usage: openweather_report [OPTIONS] {one_call}
                          LATITUDE LONGITUDE API_KEY

  Take user inputs and save to either file or database.

  --weather_date [%Y-%m-%d %H:%M]
                                  Put in the date to get the weather for a
                                  particular day.
  --save [json|postgresql|sqlite]
  --save_path TEXT
  --db_string TEXT                Connection string to save to database.
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

To save data to a json file:

$ openweather_report one_call 30.00 -30.00 your-api-key --save json --save_path

Setting up Database Structure

Currently PostgreSQL and Sqlite are supported. The table structure will need to be generated before attempting to save any data.


Below is the structure for raw_json_data:

create schema if not exists weather;

create table if not exists weather.raw_json_data (
     id bigserial not null
    ,entry_date timestamp with time zone not null
    ,api_call text not null
    ,raw_data jsonb null
    ,software_version null
	,primary key (id)


The structure is similar to PostgreSQL but does not have a schema:

create table if not exists raw_json_data
     id integer primary key
    ,entry_date text not null
    ,api_call text not null
    ,raw_data text null
    ,software_version text null

OpenWeather API

Go to though this program currently only supports the One Call API. The program will eventually support other APIs.