Core tools for use on projects by Oreum Industries

core-tools, internal-project
pip install oreum_core==0.4.15a4


Oreum Core Tools oreum_core

Python License GitHub Release PyPI CI publish

code style: black code style: flake8 code style: isort code style: interrogate code security: bandit

1. Description and Scope

This is an ever-growing package of core tools for use on client projects by Oreum Industries.

  • Provides an essential workflow for data curation, EDA, basic ML using the core scientific Python stack incl. numpy, scipy, matplotlib, seaborn, pandas, scikit-learn, umap-learn
  • Optionally provides an advanced Bayesian modelling workflow in R&D and Production using a leading probabilistic programming stack incl. pymc, pytensor, arviz (do pip install oreum_core[pymc])
  • Optionally enables a generalist black-box ML workflow in R&D using a leading Gradient Boosted Trees stack incl. catboost, xgboost, optuna, shap (do pip install oreum_core[tree])
  • Also includes several utilities for text cleaning, sql scripting, file handling

This package is:

  • A work in progress (v0.y.z) and liable to breaking changes and inconvenience to the user
  • Solely designed for ease of use and rapid development by employees of Oreum Industries, and selected clients with guidance

This package is not:

  • Intended for public usage and will not be supported for public usage
  • Intended for contributions by anyone not an employee of Oreum Industries, and unsolicitied contributions will not be accepted.


  • Project began on 2021-01-01
  • The is MacOS and POSIX oriented
  • See for licensing and copyright details
  • See pyproject.toml for various pacakge details
  • This uses a logger named 'oreum_core', feel free to incorporate or ignore
  • Hosting:
    • Source code repo on GitHub
    • Source code release on GitHub
    • Package release on PyPi

2. Instructions to Create Dev Environment

For local development on MacOS

2.0 Pre-requisite installs via homebrew

  1. Install Homebrew, see instuctions at
  2. Install direnv, git, git-lfs, graphviz, zsh
$> brew update && upgrade
$> brew install direnv git git-lfs graphviz zsh

2.1 Git clone the repo

Assumes direnv, git, git-lfs and zsh installed as above

$> git clone
$> cd oreum_core

Then allow direnv on MacOS to autorun file .envrc upon directory open

2.2 Create virtual environment and install dev packages


  • We use conda virtual envs controlled by mamba (quicker than conda)
  • We install packages using miniforge (sourced from the conda-forge repo) wherever possible and only use pip for packages that are handled better by pip and/or more up-to-date on pypi
  • Packages might not be the very latest because we want stability for pymc which is usually in a state of development flux
  • See cheat sheet of conda commands
  • The Makefile creates a dev env and will also download and preinstall miniforge if not yet installed on your system

2.2.1 Create the dev environment

From the dir above oreum_core/ project dir:

$> make -C oreum_core/ dev

This will also create some files to help confirm / diagnose successful installation:

  • dev/install_log/blas_info.txt for the BLAS MKL installation for numpy
  • dev/install_log/pipdeptree[_rev].txt lists installed package deps (and reversed)
  • details the license for each package used

2.2.2 (Optional best practice) Test successful installation of dev environment

From the dir above oreum_core/ project dir:

$> make -C oreum_core/ test-dev-env

This will also add files dev/install_log/[numpy|scipy].txt which detail successful installation (or not) for numpy, scipy

2.2.3 (Useful during env install experimentation): To remove the dev environment

From the dir above oreum_core/ project dir:

$> make -C oreum_core/ uninstall-env

2.3 Code Linting & Repo Control

2.3.1 Pre-commit

We use pre-commit to run a suite of automated tests for code linting & quality control and repo control prior to commit on local development machines.

  • Precommit is already installed by the make dev command (which itself calls pip install -e .[dev])
  • The pre-commit script will then run on your system upon git commit
  • See this project's .pre-commit-config.yaml for details

2.3.2 Github Actions

We use Github Actions aka Github Workflows to run:

  1. A suite of automated tests for commits received at the origin (i.e. GitHub)
  2. Publishing to PyPi upon creating a GH Release
  • See Makefile for the CLI commands that are issued
  • See .github/workflows/* for workflow details

Copyright 2024 Oreum OÜ t/a Oreum Industries. All rights reserved. See

Oreum OÜ t/a Oreum Industries, Sepapaja 6, Tallinn, 15551, Estonia, reg.16122291,

Oreum OÜ © 2024