
A library of orgcrawler payload functions

aws, organizations, boto3, orgcrawler
pip install orgcrawler.payload==0.0.1


OrgCrawler Payloads

A library of curated OrgCrawler payload functions.

orgcrawler-payload is a sub-package within the OrgCrawler name space. See the Orgcrawler Readthedocs page for full documentation of the OrgCrawler suite of tools.


pip install orgcrawler-payload

Package Organization


The modules in orgcrawler.payload contain fully tested and supported payload functions divided according to AWS service:


The modules in orgcrawler.untested_payload contain untested or experimental payload functions. Many of these functions lack unit tests only because the Moto library we use to mock AWS Services does not yet support a particular AWS API. In time we expect to migrate them into the orgcrawler.payload collection.

WARNING!! These functions are NOT supported. Use at your own risk:


Calling OrgCrawler payload functions

For general usage of OrgCrawler payload functions in python modules or with the orgcrawler CLI tool, see the OrgCrawler Readthedocs page.

Supported payload functions under orgcrawler.payload each contain function specific usage information in the function doc string. This is accessible from the python help() system:

>>> import orgcrawler.payload.iam
>>> help(orgcrawler.payload.iam)
Help on module orgcrawler.payload.iam in orgcrawler.payload:


    IAM is a global service.  For all iam payload functions, be sure to use the
    option "--service iam" in orgcrawler calls.  This limits the actions to a
    single region "us-east-1".

    get_account_alias(region, account)
        Returns the IAM account alias.

          orgcrawler -r ReadOnlyRole --service iam orgcrawler.payload.iam.get_account_alias

    list_users(region, account)
        List IAM User resources.

          orgcrawler -r ReadOnlyRole --service iam orgcrawler.payload.iam.list_users

    set_account_alias(region, account, dryrun=True, alias=None)
        Set IAM account alias to `alias`.  If `alias` is unset,
        set alias to the account name.

          orgcrawler -r ReadWriteRole --service iam orgcrawler.payload.iam.set_account_alias dryrun=False
          orgcrawler -r ReadWriteRole --service iam orgcrawler.payload.iam.set_account_alias dryrun=False alias=fluffy

Structure of OrgCrawler payload functions

An OrgCrawler payload function is essentially a wrapper allowing us to run arbitrary boto3 AWS-SDK python code (the payload) across multiple accounts and regions.

A payload function has two essential components:

function definition

The orgcrawler.crawlers.Crawler.execute method passes the following parameters to payload functions:

region (str):        an AWS region
account (object):    an orgcrawler.orgs.OrgAccount object
*args:               any positional args
**qwargs:            any keyword args

The payload function definition must include positional parameters (region, account). Additional arguments specific to the payload code itself can follow as required.

boto3 client definition
The payload function must create its own boto3 client for whatever services it will use by calling boto3.client() with the service, region and STS assume-role credentials. The STS credentials are extracted from the account parameter as **account.credentials.


def my_function(region, account [arg1, arg2, ..., kwarg1=val1, kwarg2=val2, ...]):
    client = boto3.client('<service-name>', region_name=region, **account.credentials)
    <your code here>


def list_iam_users(region, account):
    client = boto3.client('iam', region_name=region, **account.credentials)

def create_bucket(region, account, bucket_prefix, dryrun=True):
    client = boto3.client('s3', region_name=region, **account.credentials)

def update_account_password_policy(region, account, dryrun=True, policy_attributes=None):
    client = boto3.client('iam', region_name=region, **account.credentials)

Writing unit tests for OrgCrawler payload functions

This package uses the Pytest and Moto for running unit tests in a mock AWS environment. Each test file imports some form or the following to provide this environment. In this example we are testing IAM payloads:

# moto decorators for mocking AWS service APIs
import boto3
from moto import (

# orgcrawler utilities for building a mock AWS Organization
from orgcrawler.cli.utils import setup_crawler
from import (

# payload module we are testing
from orgcrawler.payload import iam

Test functions are prefixed with moto decorators, so that they run mock AWS environment. Each function sets up a mock organization and Crawler instance. The payload function itself only needs to be tested in as single account and region. We extract the region and account parameters from the Crawler instance and pass them to the payload function:

# moto decorators
def test_get_set_account_aliases():

    # mock organization and Crawler instance
    crawler = setup_crawler(ORG_ACCESS_ROLE)

    # call payload in a single region and account
    account = crawler.accounts[0]
    region = crawler.regions[0]
    response = iam.set_account_alias(region, account)