
A framework to simplify Sanic daemon development.

pip install os-sanic==0.1.7



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A framework to organize Sanic project, make you focus on development.


pip install os-sanic


  • Create project

    Typically, a project contains management script, config file and a set of reusable apps.

    os-sanic startproject project --with-app example

    This command will create a new project with an example app in current directory with the following structure:

    ├── apps
    ├── __init__.py
    │   ├── example
    │   │   ├── __init__.py
    │   │   ├── app.py
    │   │   ├── extension.py
    │   │   ├── handler.py
    │   │   ├── static
    │   │   │   ├── README.txt
    ├── config.py
    └── manager.py
  • Create app

    App is designed as reusable unit. Each app may has some extensions as pluggins for loading/dumping data, managing db connection when server starting up/down. It should has handlers for processing http/https/websocket requests. Routes(URIs to handlers) are necessary. Besides, serving static files is also useful. You can check the example app for more details.

    python manage.py startproject first

    This command will create a app named 'first' in the apps directory. You should add the app package string into INSTALLED_APPS in the config.py manually to enable it.

  • Create app with full feature

    The sanic framework offering Middleware and Exception, they all can be used. The following command will create a app with middleware and error handlers.

    python manage.py startapp second --full-feature

    But, attention please, the middlewares and exception handler is not just working on blueprint scope right now(v18.12). They will affect on the whole project. issue

  • Show the project information

    python manage.py info
  • Start the server

    python manage.py run

    This command will load config.py and start the server. Use --help to seed more command line options.


  • Server config

    The default config file is config.py, parameters define here are used in server scope, can be accessed from the config member of Sanic instance, more details.

  • Install apps

    You can add app package string into INSTALLED_APPS in the config.py to make it work.

    INSTALLED_APPS = ['apps.examples', ]

    More verbose config can be written as follows:

            'name': 'example',
            'package': 'apps.example',
            'url_prefix': '/example',
    • name: the app name, if not set will use package's last fragment
    • package: the app's package
    • url_prefix(alias prefix): use this as the app's views prefix otherwise use app name
    • config: app's config file, same as the app.py file, but will cover the parameters defined in app.py.
  • App definition

    App is defined in the app.py. EXTENSIONS, ROUTES and STATICS are the main components.

    • EXTENSIONS are used as plugin mechanism. Can be used for loadding/dumping data, managing db connection when server staring up/down. name and extension_class are necessary, other parameters will pass to extension instance's config.

      EXTENSIONS = [
              'name': 'Example',
              'extension_class': '.extension.Example',
              'key1', 'value1',
    • ROUTES are used for specifying handlers for different URIs. All built-in parameters of route definition can be used.

      ROUTES = [
          ('/e1', '.handler.ExampleView'),
          ('/e2', '.handler.handle_post', ['post']),
          ('/e3', '.handler.handle_websocket', 'websocket', None, True)

      More verbose style which can pass custom parameters:

      ROUTES = [
              'uri': '/',
              'handler': '.view.ExampleView',
              'costom_key': 'custom_value',
    • STATICS are used for serving static files. file_or_directory can be absolute or relative path base on the appliction runtime config path.

      STATICS = [
              'uri': '/static',
              'file_or_directory': '.',


  • Handler

    The handler can be normal function, sanic HTTPMethodView class or sanic CompositionView instance. The parameters defined in the ROUTES will be attached to a config object. If you use ```HTTPMethodView``, the config can be accessed from the View class.

    from sanic.views import HTTPMethodView
    class ExampleView(HTTPMethodView):
        def get(self, request):
  • Extension Class

    The extenion class must inherit from os_sanic.extension.Extension.

    The base class's members are config, application and logger

    • config: if you define extra parameters in the EXTENSIONS, they will be attached to this config object
    • application: current application object, can be used for accessing all the project apps
    • logger, the built-in logger object

    The extension class has two usefull methods invoked by the framework: setup, cleanup. They all can be sync or async.

    • setup: called before server start
    • cleanup: called after server stop, if there are multi extensions configured in EXTENSIONS, the cleanup methods execute order will from last extension to the first
  • application object

    The application object represent the each individual app

    • it is a member of extension instance:

      from os_sanic.extension import Extension
      class Example(Extension):
          def setup(self):
    • it can be accessed in the view class

      from sanic.views import HTTPMethodView
      class ExampleView(HTTPMethodView):
          def get(self, request):
    • you can get extension instance by:


      or get other app's extension

    • get app relative logger

    • get sanic instance(it is the same object request.app in the view)


Unit Tests



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