
gRPC interface for interacting with OsiriX

Artificial, Intelligence, Dicom, Image, Processing, Medical, Imaging, machine-learning, osirix, python, radiology
pip install osirixgrpc==0.2.1b4



Welcome to OsiriXgrpc!

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Welcome to OsiriXgrpc, a research plugin for the popular OsiriX medical image viewing platform for macOS. It leverages the gRPC architecture to provide fast communication between OsiriX (the server) and custom-built software or scripts running on a different local process (the client). This enables fast development of additional OsiriX functionality, including the adoption of state-of-the-art libraries for image processing and artificial intelligence. Currently, Python is the only in-built supported language, though adoption of other languages can be easily achieved.

!!! note "Using osirixgrpc versus pyosirix" It can be much simpler to interact with OsiriXgrpc using the more pythonic pyOsiriX glue code. See the dedicated documentation for further information.


For instructions on how to install and set up the plugin, please see the getting started page.

Any suggestions?

We are always happy to receive suggestions for future versions of the plugin, or just to hear about what is or isn't working. We would appreciate if this is done by raising an issue. Please see more information in our contributing section.

Any questions?

We are happy to answer any questions on the use of osirixgrpc, but please do so by raising an issue so that others can benefit from the answer. Please ensure that you use the relevant issue template so that we get all the information we need!

Future Ambitions

We are always looking to improve things. We have a few suggestions in our roadmap, and would be happy to hear your thoughts - please let us know using a feature request issue template.

  • Support for other scripting languages including Java and Ruby.
  • Improve security through SSL/TCL encryption.


We thank the MedTech SuperConnector for helping to support this work: https://medtechsuperconnector.com/. This work was also supported by the International Accelerator Award funded by Cancer Research UK [C56167/A29363], Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro [AIRC - 24297] and Fundacion Científica – Asociacion Espanola Contra el Cancer [Foundation AECC - GEACC19007MA] (https://sarcomaaccelerator.org.uk/). Sarcoma Accelerator Consortium