A python wrapper for working with the osu! API, databases and file formats

api, databases, python-3, osu, python
pip install osu-tools==0.2.4


osu!-tools for python

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osu!-tools is a Python framework for interacting with various osu! APIs and file-types.

  • Make requests to the osu! v1 API to view user, score, map or match information.
  • Uses oppai-ng to get pp information for any given score
  • Read osu!.db, scores.db and collection.db into a Python object, and export it to json


pip install osu-tools

Basic Examples

API v1

>> import osutools

# Authenticate a client using an osu! API token
>> osu = osutools.OsuClient("token")

Get User

>> me = osu.fetch_user(username="flubb 4")
>> print(f"{me} | {me.pp}pp | #{me.rank} Global")

flubb 4 | 7507.3pp | #8765 Global

Get best 5 scores + show information

>> best = me.fetch_best()[:5]

>> for score in best:
..  beatmap = score.fetch_map()
..  print(f"{score.pp}pp | {score.score} | {beatmap} | {score.mods}")

431.448pp | 1554216 | WONDERFUL WONDER (TV Size) [Simple Heart] mapped by Kuki1537 | DT
399.029pp | 44559304 | Flames Within These Black Feathers [Kowari's Extreme] mapped by Seni | NM
387.581pp | 2219153 | Angel With A Shotgun (Sped Up Ver.) [Sacred Bullet] mapped by Sotarks | HDDT
379.095pp | 377539970 | Save Me [Tragedy] mapped by Drummer | NM
371.206pp | 6547546 | One by One [Sotarks' Rampage] mapped by Elinor | HR

Get information about a specific beatmap

>> beatmap = osu.fetch_map(map_id=2788620)
>> print(f"{beatmap.song_title} [{beatmap.difficulty_name}] | {beatmap.artist} | {beatmap.creator_name}")

Sofia [Nyantiaz's Hard] | Clairo | Qiyana

Get leaderboards and submitted scores for the beatmap

>> leaderboard = beatmap.fetch_scores()
>> my_score = beatmap.fetch_scores(username="flubb 4")[0]
>> print(f"Best Score: {leaderboard[0]}\nMy Score: {my_score}")

Best Score: HDDTHR score on beatmap 2788620 by Mikayla
My Score: HDDT score on beatmap 2788620 by flubb 4


Set osu directory, and automatically read the databases.

>> osu.set_osu_folder("path/to/folder")

# Load the pp values for all local plays (enables faster processing of functions that use the pp value like get_best_scores_before()
>> osu.scores_db.load_pp()

Get the average length of all of your maps

>> avg_map_length = sum([beatmap.length for beatmap in osu.osu_db.map_list()]) / float(len(osu.osu_db.map_list()))
>> print(timedelta(milliseconds=avg_map_length))


Get your top 10 ranked scores before 2020

>> names = ["flubb 4", "ito", "biglizard"] # I've changed my username a lot
>> scores = osu.scores_db.get_best_scores_before(datetime.datetime(year=2020, month=1, day=1, tzinfo=timezone.utc), names=, ranked_only=True)
>> for x, score in enumerate(scores[:5]):
..    print(f"{x+1}: {score.pp} play on {score.map.song_title} [{score.map.difficulty_name}] with {score.mods}")

1: 312.0760803222656 play on Snow Halation (feat. BeasttrollMC) [Reform's Extra] with DT
2: 311.7738952636719 play on Harumachi Clover (Swing Arrangement) [Dictate Edit] [Expert] with DT
3: 277.50250244140625 play on Yuki no Hana [Sharlo's Insane] with DT
4: 272.4308776855469 play on Kira Kira Days [Shiawase!!] with NM
5: 269.6291198730469 play on Natsukoi Hanabi [Insane] with DT

Export your databases to JSON

>> osu.osu_db.export() # saves to osu_db.json by default
>> osu.scores_db.export("~/osu/scores.json") # can give custom path

PP Calculation

Get pp for an SS on a given map with HDHR

>> from osutools.utils import Mods
>> from osutools.oppai import Oppai

>> beatmap_path = "96neko - Uso no Hibana (Enjoy) [Hanabi].osu"
>> mod_combo = Mods.HR & Mods.HD
>> pp = Oppai.calculate_pp(beatmap_path, mods=mod_combo.value)
>> print(pp)


Get pp for an online map

>> beatmap = osu.fetch_map(1255495)
>> pp = Oppai.calculate_pp_from_url(beatmap.download_url, mods=mod_combo.value, accuracy=99.5)
>> print(pp)



  • api v2
  • better errors
  • probably some kind of internal ratelimit prevention?
  • tests 👀
  • discord integration utilities?
  • download beatmap
