
backupper for uploading and managing files in ownCloud.

pip install owncloud_backup==0.1.1


ownCloud backup

This project is used for uploading the backups to the ownCloud and managing old backups.

How it works

By default, script expects one file argument, which will be uploaded to ownCloud with %Y.%m.%d_ time prefix into remote_path directory.

When the file is uploaded, scripts requests listing of all other files in selected remote_path, then reads time informations from names and then removes old files.

Process of removing of old files is defined to keep following files:

  • all files from last month
  • one file per week for two-months-before
  • one file per two weeks for three-months-before

and to remove all older files.


There is possibility of configuration of following variables using conf files owncloud_backup.cfg or ~/.owncloud_backup.cfg:



All values in Config section and url variable from Login section is optional (defaults are shown in this example).

no_timestamp will instruct the script to stop putting the timestamp prefix to uploaded files. In that case, it is expected that such files will contain the timestamp added manually, or they will be ignored in process of elimination of old files.

Commandline arguments

All variables defined in configuration file may be also added using commandline arguments:

usage: owncloud_backup.py [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [--url URL]
                          [-r REMOTE_PATH] [-n]

This program may be used to perform database backups into ownCloud.
Configuration file in ini format is expected in `owncloud_backup.cfg` or
`~/.owncloud_backup.cfg` paths.

positional arguments:
  FILENAME              Upload FILENAME into the ownCloud.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Username of the ownCloud user.
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password of the ownCloud user.
  --url URL             URL of the ownCloud service. Default
  -r REMOTE_PATH, --remote-path REMOTE_PATH
                        Path on the server. Default `/backups`.
  -n, --no-timestamp    By default, the script adds `%Y.%m.%d_` prefix to each
                        uploaded file.


Module is hosted at PYPI, and can be installed using PIP:

sudo pip install owncloud_backup

Installation on SuSe

In case that you are using ancient Suse installation with old python versions and no PIP, you may install it with following commands:

wget --no-check-certificate https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/setuptools/setuptools-20.0.zip
unzip setuptools-20.0.zip
cd setuptools-20.0/
python setup.py install
easy_install pip==1.2
pip install -U owncloud_backup

Source code

Project is released under the MIT license. Source code can be found at GitHub:


Almost every feature of the project is tested by unittests. You can run those tests using provided run_tests.sh script, which can be found in the root of the project.

If you have any trouble, just add --pdb switch at the end of your run_tests.sh command like this: ./run_tests.sh --pdb. This will drop you to PDB shell.


This script expects that packages pytest is installed. In case you don't have it yet, it can be easily installed using following command:

pip install --user pytest

or for all users:

sudo pip install pytest


============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.6, pytest-2.8.2, py-1.4.30, pluggy-0.3.1
rootdir: /home/bystrousak/Plocha/Dropbox/c0d3z/prace/owncloud_backup, inifile:
plugins: cov-1.8.1
collected 3 items

tests/test_backup.py ...

=========================== 3 passed in 0.47 seconds ===========================