Tools for task automation, continous integration, and testing.

testing, continuous, integration
pip install ox_herd==0.7.3



The ox_herd package is a python system for job scheduling and management based on the python-rq package.

The main goal of ox_herd is to make it easy to schedule, inspect, and administrate automated jobs including:

  1. Running tests via pytest
  2. Running pylint on your code.
  3. Running arbitrary python scripts.


Some other alternatives for python include Celery and python rq while more general solutions include things like Jenkins. The ox_herd package is intended to be lightweight as compared to something more full featured and sophisticated like Celery. It is based on and built on top of python rq so it is a little more heavyweight than rq. Ideally, it provides the minimal set of features and frameworks on top of rq for web based task monitoring, customization, and analysis for your rq tasks.


See the full documentation on github for further details or see the ox_herd_example package on github for a simple demo illustrating what you can do with ox_herd.