
Package for P1 Data API access

p1_data_client_python, API, data, financial, economic, particle, particleone, one
pip install p1-data-client-python==1.1.0


Particle.One Data API


This package contains a Python client code to access data and examples of how to use it.

  • p1_data_client_python
    • A Python module wrapping the Data REST API and EDGAR Data REST API into a Pandas-friendly interface
  • notebooks/p1_data_client_example.ipynb
    • An example Jupyter notebook showing how to use the Python module
  • notebooks/p1_data_api_v1_example.ipynb
    • An example Jupyter notebook showing how to connect to the Data REST API directly
  • notebooks/p1_edgar_data_client_example.ipynb
    • An example Jupyter notebook showing how to use the EDGAR Data REST API
  • test/client_examples.py
    • Minimal example of API and EDGAR clients


  • Python version >= 3.7

Installation through PyPI

  • You can install the Particle.One data python client in 3 different ways:
  1. Install from PyPI:

    pip install p1_data_client_python
  2. Install and build from the source

  • Assuming the name of the Github repo is <GITHUB_REPO> (e.g., p1_data_client_python)
    pip install git+https://github.com/ParticleDev/<INSERT_GITHUB_REPO_NAME>.git
  1. Install without building the package from source:
# Check out the code.
git clone git@github.com:ParticleDev/<INSERT_GITHUB_REPO_NAME>.git
cd p1_data_client_python

# Create environment.
python3 -m venv ./venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Test that the package is visible:

    python -c "import p1_data_client_python; print(p1_data_client_python)"
    <module 'p1_data_client_python' (namespace)>
    > python -c "import p1_data_client_python.version as version; print(version.VERSION)"
  • When installing from source, you need to add the path of this package to PYTHONPATH, e.g.:

    export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd):$(pwd)/p1_data_client_python

Getting a Particle.One token

  • Go to https://particle.one/ and request a free token
  • The token looks like e44e7c6b04ef3ea1cfb7a8a67db74751c177259e

Configuring through environment variables

  • To use the notebooks, unit tests, and examples you need to configure the environment with:

    export P1_API_TOKEN='your_api_token_here'
    export P1_EDGAR_API_TOKEN='your_edgar_token_here'
  • E.g., from test/set_env_vars.sh

    export P1_API_TOKEN='e44e7c6b04ef3ea1cfb7a8a67db74751c177259e'
    export P1_EDGAR_API_TOKEN='8c9c9458b145202c7a6b6cceaabd82023e957a46d6cf7061ed8e1c94a168f2fd'

Run tests (only when installing from source)

  • After configuring the environment variables, run all tests with:

    pytest -vv
    =============================================================================================== test session starts ================================================================================================
    platform linux -- Python 3.7.3, pytest-6.0.2, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1
    rootdir: /wd/saggese/src/p1_data_client_python
    plugins: openfiles-0.4.0, astropy-header-0.1.2, flaky-3.7.0, doctestplus-0.4.0, remotedata-0.3.1, arraydiff-0.3, hypothesis-5.3.0
    collected 20 items
    test/test_client.py ....
    test/test_client_jupyter.py .
    test/test_client_mock.py ....
    test/test_edgar_client.py ........
    test/test_edgar_client_mock.py ...
    ================================================================================================ 9 passed in 3.46s =================================================================================================


  • After configuring the environment variables, run a notebook server with:

    jupyter notebook '--ip=*' --browser chrome . --port 9999

Useful links

  • GitHub repo
    • https://github.com/ParticleDev/p1_data_client_python
  • Rest API documentation
    • https://doc.particle.one
  • Data entry point
    • https://data.particle.one


MIT License