
Pacifica Cartd

pip install pacifica-cartd==0.3.8


Pacifica Data Cart

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Pacifica data cart for bundling and transfer of data sets.

This manages the bundling of data from the archive interface and presents APIs for users to use.

Building and Installing

This code depends on the following libraries and python modules:







Running It

To bring up a test instance use docker-compose from the directory the pacifica cart was checked out into

docker-compose up

API Examples

Every cart has a unique ID associated with it. For the examples following we used a uuid generated by standard Linux utilities.


Create a Cart

Post a file to create a new cart.

Contents of file (foo.json).

id = the id being used on the Archive

path = internal structure of bundle for file placement

  "fileids": [
    {"id":"foo.txt", "path":"1/2/3/foo.txt"},
    {"id":"bar.csv", "path":"1/2/3/bar.csv"},
    {"id":"baz.ini", "path":"2/3/4/baz.ini"}

Post the file to the following URL.

curl -X POST --upload-file /tmp/foo.json$MY_CART_UUID

Status a Cart

Head on the cart to find whether its created and ready for download.


Will receive headers back with the specific data needed. These are:

'X-Pacifica-Status' 'X-Pacifica-Message'

Message will be blank if there is no error. The list of possible status:

If the cart is waiting to be processed and there is no current state. "X-Pacifica-Status": "waiting"

If the cart is being processed and waiting for files to be staged locally. "X-Pacifica-Status": "staging"

If the cart has the files locally and is currently creating the tarfile. "X-Pacifica-Status": "bundling"

If the cart is finally ready for download. "X-Pacifica-Status": "ready"

If the cart has an error (such as no space available to create the tarfile). "X-Pacifica-Status": "error" "X-Pacifica-Message": "No Space Available"

Get a cart

To download the tarfile for the cart.


In the above url my_cart.tar can be any file name of your choice
If no filename parameter is present you will get back data_date.tar in the form data_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS.tar

To save to file

curl -O -J$MY_CART_UUID?filename=my_cart.tar

-O says to save to a file, and -J says to use the Content-Disposition file name the server is trying to send back

Once this finishes there will be a tar file named my_cart.tar
Untar by:

tar xf my_cart.tar

Delete a Cart

Delete a created cart.


Data returned should be json telling you status of cart deletion.

docker-compose.yml breakdown

Discuss the various components that make up the docker-compose file including environment variables, containers, and images

cartrabbit - RabbitMQ

The amqp preference for the cart. Used to handle all the tasks.

When Linking use: cartrabbit:amqp

Specifically use "amqp" as the environemnt variable prefix when linking

cartmysql - MySQL

The sql preference for the cart. Used to handle all cart creation and storage statistics. Accessed via Peewee ORM

When Linking use: cartmysql:mysql

Specifically use "mysql" as the environemnt variable prefix when linking


On container startup the MYSQL_DATABASE will be created with MYSQL_USER, and MYSQL_PASSWORD having access. On web server startup necessary table creation will happen if the tables do not already exist

Pacifica Archive Interface (optional)

The expected backend Archive manager API the pacifica cart uses

When Linking use: archiveinterface:archivei

Specifically use "archivei" as the environemnt variable prefix when linking

Other required options are ports, specifically which port you want exposed

Optional option but recommended is volumes. Creating a shared volume makes sure that even after the Archive Interface container is removed the file data stays in case the Archive Interface needs to be restarted after removal

NOTE if not using the Archive Interface inside a container (case such as deployed on different server) set the following Environment variable in the cart server/workers: ARCHIVE_INTERFACE_URL: urltointerface:port/

Remember to include the port and ending /


The backside of the cartserver which handles requesting/storing of files and provides statuses

Needs to build its image using the Dockerfile

Linked in Containers: cartrabbit:amqp, cartmysql:mysql, (optional archiveinterface:archivei) Specifically use "amqp", "mysql", "archivei" as the environemnt variable prefix respectively when linking.

Optional option but recommended is volumes. Creating a shared volume makes sure that even after the cart workers container is removed the file data stays in case the workers need to be restarted after removal

Environment variables: VOLUME_PATH - Required - Used as the root directory for all file storage.

LRU_BUFFER_TIME - Optional - Time, in seconds, that you want carts to be safe from the least recently used buffer deletion. If a cart was last used since current time minus that buffer it is safe from deletion. Not specified or a 0 given will result in no buffer

ARCHIVE_INTERFACE_URL - Optional - Needs to be set if not using the Pacifica Archive Interface as a linked in container. This will be the url to the archive interface. Should be in the form of:


Remember to include the port and ending /

DATABASE_LOGGING - Optional - Set if you want to debug the Peewee queries. Causes the queries to be printed out

DATABASE_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS - Optional - Set the number of times the application tries to connect to the database if a failure occurs. Default 3

DATABASE_WAIT - Optional - Set the amount of time (in seconds) the application will take between trying to reconnect to the database. Default 10 seconds


The wsgi web server for the cart which provides the API

Needs to build its image using the Dockerfile.wsgi

Linked in Containers: cartrabbit:amqp, cartmysql:mysql, (optional archiveinterface:archivei) Specifically use "amqp", "mysql", "archivei" as the environemnt variable prefix respectively when linking.

Other required options are ports, specifically which port you want exposed

Optional option but recommended is volumes. Creating a shared volume makes sure that even after the cart workers container is removed the file data stays in case the workers need to be restarted after removal

Environment variables: VOLUME_PATH - Required - Used as the root directory for all file storage.

LRU_BUFFER_TIME - Optional - Time, in seconds, that you want carts to be safe from the least recently used buffer deletion. If a cart was last used since current time minus that buffer it is safe from deletion. Not specified or a 0 given will result in no buffer

ARCHIVE_INTERFACE_URL - Optional - Needs to be set if not using the Pacifica Archive Interface as a linked in container. This will be the url to the archive interface. Should be in the form of:


Remember to include the port and ending /

DATABASE_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS - Optional - Set the number of times the application tries to connect to the database if a failure occurs. Default 3

DATABASE_WAIT - Optional - Set the amount of time (in seconds) the application will take between trying to reconnect to the database. Default 10 seconds

The environment variables should be exactly the same as those used for the cartworkers container

Creating database if it doesn't happen on startup

Verify that all docker containers have started. You will need to get into the cart server container since it has all the environment variable information set

Exec into the cart server:

sudo docker exec -i -t cartserver /bin/bash

once in run the database creation script:
