Test paralelizer

parallel, test
pip install paratest==2.1.0


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Parallelizes test executions.

It allows to parallelize the integration/acceptance tests execution in different environments. This way they will took much less time to finish.

And it is based on plugins in order to support different languages or platforms.

ParaTest can be run under any Continuous Integration Server, like Jenkins, TeamCity, Go-CD, Bamboo, etc.

Why Paratest?

Almost all test runners allow you to paralellize the test execution, so... why Paratest?

Well... In some cases test execution cannot be parallelized because of depenencies: database access, legacy code, file creation, etc. Then, you need to create a full workspace whenever you want to test them.

This may be a hard task, and sadly Paratest cannot help there.

But with some scripts to clone an existent workspace, Paratest can divide the tests between any number of workspaces, creating them on demand, and running the tests on them. Resources put the limits.

Another advantage of Paratest is the test order: Paratest remembers the time spent in each test and will reorder them to get the most of your infrastructure.

And finally, Paratest can retry failed tests, in order to avoid unstable tests.


First of all, you need two things:

  • a source. This means to have a source with instructions to create a workspace
  • some scripts to setup/teardown the workspaces. This should translate the source into a workspace.

Then, Paratest will call the setup scripts in order to create the workspaces and will parallelize the test run between them.

Current plugins

ParaTest is in an early development stage and it still have no plugins to work. It is just a proof of concept.



Writting a plugin is quite easy. You can see the paratest-dummy as example. Just two steps are required:

Write the plugin methods

Currently, just one method is required:

def find(path, test_pattern, file_pattern, output_path)

It should return a dict or a generator for tuples.

Register the entrypoint

The second step is to create a pip package with the entrypoint find within the group paratest. This should be done in the setup.py file. Example:

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

    'paratest': 'find = whatever:find'