
This is a simple api wrapper that implements both asynchronous and synchronous http requests to interact with Paystack APIs.

paystack, paystackease, python, api, payment, integration
pip install paystackease==2.2.0


PayStackEase Library

Python Versions License pypi

PayStackEase API Library is a Python library that simplifies interacting with the Paystack API. It provides both asynchronous and synchronous wrappers for various Paystack functionalities, making it easier to integrate payment processing into your Python projects.

📝: Read more on paystack api documentation: Paystack API DOCUMENTATION

📝: Read more on paystackease api documentation: PayStackEase DOCUMENTATION

Getting Started

You should create a Paystack account to generate a Paystack Secret Key. You can see this in the settings page >> API keys and Webhook section.

⚠️: Warning: Do not expose your secret key or commit your secret key to git, or use them in client-side code.

💡: Take Note: Public key is to be used from your front-end when integrating using Paystack Inline. In this case you have to use you secret key

✅: Good: Set your secret key in environment variables as seen: PAYSTACK_SECRET_KEY=your-secret-key

Create a Virtual Environment

  1. For Windows:

    • Create virtual environment

          py -m venv <environment_name>
    • Activate the virtual environment

  2. For Unix/macOS

    • Create virtual environment

          python3 -m venv <environment_name>
    • Activate the virtual environment


Install paystackease library:

  • Install paystackease using pip.

pip install paystackease

  • Install paystackease using pipx.

pipx install paystackease

  • Install paystackease using poetry.

poetry add paystackease

If you want to download the sdist packages directly:

Download the wheel distribution file and install using pip

pip install paystackease-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl

Download the source distribution file, and install using pip

pip install paystackease-2.0.0.tar.gz

To get a development version of paystackease

Clone from the dev branch GitHub repository, unzip and install:

git clone -b dev

cd PayStackEase

pip install paystackease

API usage

Making a Transaction [Synchronous]

If after setting your secret key in environment variables, for a synchronous transaction process all you need to do is use the transaction API to make a transaction.

To create a transaction or initialize a transaction:

  • import the Paystack API wrapper.
    from paystackease import PayStackBase
  • Create an instance to use the PaystackBase wrapper to interact with the Transaction API.
    paystack_client = PayStackBase()
  • Use the instance and call the transaction method to initialize a transaction
    create_transaction = paystack_client.transactions.initialize(
    print(f"Transaction Created: {create_transaction}")

✅: Good: You can check your Paystack account, go to the Transaction page, and you will see the transaction just created.

Other Tools

Similar to calling the PayStackBase, you can also call other tools to make your work easy. For example:

  • Account Type

    from paystackease import AccountType
    val1 = AccountType.PERSONAL.value


  • Convert units to subunits:

    from paystackease import convert_to_subunit
    # amount should be in subunit in this case 10000 kobo = 100 naira
    money = convert_to_subunit(100, Currency.NGN)


  • Channels

    from paystackease import Channels
    bank = Channels.BANK.value


  • Currency

    from paystackease import Currency
    val1 = Currency.NGN.value


  • Document Type

    from paystackease import DocumentType
    val1 = DocumentType.IDENTITY_NUMBER.value


Others are: EventType, Interval, MobileMoney, PWT, QRCODE, RecipientType, ResendOTP, Resolution, RiskAction, SplitType, STATUS, etc.