A command line tool to help manage a project

pip install peltak==0.30.1


peltak - Improve your workflow


peltak is a command line utility to improve your daily workflow. The main focus so far was making managing a gitlab merge request easier.


$ pip install peltak

Basic usage

peltak is built around the concept of actions. The app itself is just a runtime for executing actions. All the functionality is implemented through actions, and the app can be easily extended by creating new actions. The set of actions available to the use is a combination of built-ins and actions defined for the project. The project specific actions have to be stored in .peltak/actions/ directory under poject root directory.

The app has a built-in help system. By executing peltak without arguments you will get the help screen. You can also get the list of available commands and their description:

$ peltak list-actions

To get help about a particular command, just execute it with -h or --help:

$ peltak list-actions -h

This will give you the command description along with the list of possible arguments and their description.

Gitlab authentication

The first time a command that connects to gitlb instance is used you will be asked to login. Those are used to authenticate against the remote gitlab instance and won't be saved. If you choose the option to stay logged in the app will save your private token in the configuration and use it for future sessions.


Right now the configuration is stored only on a per-project basis. To edit the configuraiton use the config action. You can get the current configuration using:

$ peltak config

Managing merge request

First thing to do would be to fetch the mr template if it's defined for the project (using gitlab issues):

$ peltak fetch-template

You can still edit merge request without the template, but you will have to enter the whole description manually.

There is one action designed for merge request creation and updates:

$ peltak mr

It is a command line form for filling in the MR details. With each consecutive run it will only aks for things only for thinkgs that weren't provided before. If you wan't to change a field that was already field in the previous runs, you can use the -u/--update option. So if you have already set the title and problem and want to change it, you will need to execute:

$ peltak mr -u title,problem

Releasing the MR

By default the title will be prepended with the [WIP] tag. To indicate that you have finished working on the MR and it's ready, pass the --ready flag:

$ peltak mr --ready

Pushing branch

There is also a push action that will ask you all the questions before pushing the branch. It will always push the branch you are currently on so you won't need to manually specify it either. As with mr action, the questions you answer yes to won't be asked again in the future. The downside is that right now there is no way to update the answer, so once you say yes it will stay that way. I plan to add an option to update the answers as well, but it wasn't crucial so far so it got postponed.