Habitat repository and authorization API

Swagger, Habitat, repository, and, authorization, API
pip install pennprov==2.2.12.dev55



Habitat API

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:


Python 2.7 and 3.4+; Docker and Docker Compose, if setting up the server in a Docker container.

Installation & Usage

pip install

You can install with pip

pip install pennprov

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install pennprov)

Then import the package:

import pennprov 

Getting Started - Client

The following illustrates a simple use of the API to obtain a authentication token and then store and retrieve nodes and edges.

"""Example usage of pennprov client"""

from __future__ import print_function
from pprint import pprint

import pennprov
from pennprov.rest import ApiException

def main():
    """Get a token and store a node"""
    # create instances of the API classes
    configuration = pennprov.configuration.Configuration()
    configuration.host = "http://localhost:8088"
    api_client = pennprov.ApiClient(configuration)    
    auth_api = pennprov.AuthenticationApi(api_client)
    prov_api = pennprov.ProvenanceApi(api_client)
    prov_dm_api = pennprov.ProvDmApi(api_client)
    username = "YOUR_USERNAME"
    credentials = pennprov.UserCredentials(
    graph_name = "my_graph"

        # One-time initialization of client with a JWT token for
        # authentication.
        web_token = auth_api.get_token_route(username, credentials)
        token = web_token.token
        print("Setting token %s\n" % token)
        configuration.api_key["api_key"] = token

        # Once api_key is set we can call services. For example,
        # store_prov_node
        prov_token_value = "my_prov_token"
        stream = pennprov.IDModel("my_stream.0")
        prov_location = pennprov.ProvLocationModel(
            position=[1, 2])
        data = [pennprov.FieldModel(
            name="my_boolean_field", type="BOOLEAN", value="true")]
        tuple_with_schema = pennprov.TupleWithSchemaModel(
            schema_name="my_schema", tuple=data, lookup_keys=[])
        body = pennprov.StoreNodeModel(
            prov_specifier=prov_location, tuple_with_schema=tuple_with_schema)
        prov_api.store_provenance_node(graph_name, prov_token_value, body)

        # Retrieve the data from the node
        response = prov_api.get_provenance_data(graph_name, prov_token_value)

        # We can also use the ProvDmApi to create PROV data model specific nodes and relations.
        prov_dm_graph = 'my PROV DM graph'
        namespace = 'http://example.com'
        inputProvId = pennprov.QualifiedName(namespace, 'input1')
        inputEntity = pennprov.NodeModel(type='ENTITY', attributes=[pennprov.Attribute(
            name=pennprov.QualifiedName(namespace, 'stringAttr'), value='paramValue', type='STRING')])
                               token=inputProvId, body=inputEntity)

        outputProvId = pennprov.QualifiedName(namespace, 'output1')
        outputEntity = pennprov.NodeModel(type='ENTITY', attributes=[pennprov.Attribute(
            name=pennprov.QualifiedName(namespace, 'longAttr'), value=16, type='LONG')])
                               token=outputProvId, body=outputEntity)

        wasDerivedFrom = pennprov.RelationModel(
            type='DERIVATION', subject_id=outputProvId, object_id=inputProvId,
            attributes=[pennprov.Attribute(name=pennprov.QualifiedName(namespace, 'booleanAttr'), value=True, type='BOOLEAN'),
                        pennprov.Attribute(name=pennprov.QualifiedName(namespace, 'anotherStringAttr'), value='attrValue', type='STRING')])
        prov_dm_api.store_relation(resource=prov_dm_graph, body=wasDerivedFrom, label='wasDerivedFrom')

        # And stil use the base ProvenanceApi to retrieve information about the PROV DM graph
        edge = prov_api.get_edges_from(prov_dm_graph, outputProvId)
    except ApiException as api_exception:
        print("Exception when calling server: %s\n" % api_exception)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Getting Started - Docker

If you want to have a simple Docker container to test the above, do the following.

cd docker-container
docker-compose up

Then (after waiting some time!) open your Web browser to http://localhost:8088 and click on Sign up. Create a new user called YOUR_USERNAME with password YOUR_PASSWORD.

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost:8088

Class Method HTTP request Description
AuthenticationApi add_credential POST /auth/services/{service}/user/{username} Adds a service credential for the user
AuthenticationApi add_group POST /auth/organizations/{organization}/group/{group} Adds a permissions group to an organization
AuthenticationApi add_organization POST /auth/organizations/{orgname} Adds an organization
AuthenticationApi add_subgroup_to_group POST /auth/groups/{groupname}/group/{subgroup} Adds a subgroup to a group
AuthenticationApi add_user_to_group POST /auth/groups/{groupname}/user/{username} Adds a user to a group
AuthenticationApi add_user_to_organization POST /auth/organizations/{orgId}/user/{username} Adds a user to an organization
AuthenticationApi create_new_user POST /auth/credentials/{username} Creates a new user
AuthenticationApi get_group_from_id GET /auth/groups/id/{groupId} Gets a group name from its integer ID
AuthenticationApi get_group_id GET /auth/groups/name/{groupName} Gets a group's ID from its name
AuthenticationApi get_group_ids_for_user GET /auth/credentials/{username}/groups/id Gets the IDs of groups in which a user is directly a member
AuthenticationApi get_groups_for_user GET /auth/credentials/{username}/groups Gets the groups in which a user is directly a member
AuthenticationApi get_organization_from_id GET /auth/organizations/id/{orgId} Gets an organization name from its integer ID
AuthenticationApi get_organization_id GET /auth/organizations/name/{orgName} Gets an organization ID from its name
AuthenticationApi get_parent_group_ids GET /auth/groups/id/{groupId}/parents/id Gets the IDs of parent groups
AuthenticationApi get_parent_groups GET /auth/groups/name/{groupName}/parents/name Gets the groups in which a user is directly a member
AuthenticationApi get_token_route POST /auth/tokens/{username} Requests a new token
AuthenticationApi get_user_info GET /auth/credentials/{username}/info Gets a user's info
AuthenticationApi is_registered GET /auth/services/{service}/user/{username} Returns whether a user credential is valid for a service
AuthenticationApi is_valid_credential POST /auth/services/local/user/{username}/credential Returns whether a local user credential is valid
AuthenticationApi update_user PUT /auth/credentials/{username} Updates user properties
PermissionApi add_permission POST /perms/types/{permname} Adds a new labeled permission type
PermissionApi get_group_permissions_on GET /perms/objects/{object}/group/{groupName} Gets the group's permissions on an object
PermissionApi get_object_ids GET /perms/name/{permname}/user/{username} Gets the object ids for which the user has the given permission
PermissionApi get_permission_from_id GET /perms/id/{id}/name Gets a permission's name from its integer ID
PermissionApi get_permission_id GET /perms/name/{name}/id Gets a permission's ID from its name
PermissionApi get_user_permissions_on GET /perms/objects/{object}/user/{username} Gets the user's permissions on an object
PermissionApi grant_group_permission_on POST /perms/objects/{object}/group/{groupName}/{permname} Grants a group a permission on an object
PermissionApi grant_user_permission_on POST /perms/objects/{object}/user/{username}/{permname} Grants a user a permission on an object
PermissionApi revoke_group_permission_on DELETE /perms/objects/{object}/group/{groupName}/{permname} Revokes a group a permission on an object
PermissionApi revoke_user_permission_on DELETE /perms/objects/{object}/user/{username}/{permname} Revokes a user a permission on an object
ProvDmApi store_node PUT /provdm/graphs/{resource}/nodes/{token} Store a PROV DM node
ProvDmApi store_relation POST /provdm/graphs/{resource}/links/{label} Store a relation between PROV DM tokens
ProvenanceApi create_or_reset_provenance_graph PUT /provenance/graphs/reset/{resource} Create a provenance graph if it doesn't exist, or overwrite it if it does
ProvenanceApi create_provenance_graph PUT /provenance/graphs/{resource} Create a provenance graph
ProvenanceApi get_connected_from GET /provenance/graphs/{resource}/nodes/{token}/neighbors/out Get the outgoing neighbors of the given prov token
ProvenanceApi get_connected_to GET /provenance/graphs/{resource}/nodes/{token}/neighbors/in Get the incoming neighbors of the given prov token
ProvenanceApi get_edges_from GET /provenance/graphs/{resource}/nodes/{token}/links/out Get the outgoing edges of the given prov token
ProvenanceApi get_edges_to GET /provenance/graphs/{resource}/nodes/{token}/links/in Get the incoming edges of the given prov token
ProvenanceApi get_provenance_data GET /provenance/graphs/{resource}/nodes/{token} Get the tuple associated with a provenance token
ProvenanceApi get_provenance_location GET /provenance/graphs/{resource}/nodes/{token}/location Get the location of a provenance token
ProvenanceApi get_provenance_nodes GET /provenance/graphs/{resource}/nodes Get the provenance graph's nodes
ProvenanceApi get_subgraphs POST /provenance/graphs/{resource}/subgraphs Get a provenance graph as a sequence of subgraphs
ProvenanceApi store_provenance_link POST /provenance/graphs/{resource}/links Store a provenance link between tokens
ProvenanceApi store_provenance_node PUT /provenance/graphs/{resource}/nodes/{token} Store a provenance token with its location
ProvenanceApi store_subgraph POST /provenance/graphs/{resource}/subgraphs/store Store a subgraph to a provenance graph

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: api_key
  • Location: HTTP header