
Python daemon to download automagically subtitles. Build on top of the great periscope (

pip install



A daemon to download subtitles based on the great periscope.


You will need periscope, pyinotify, sqlite.

Installation via pip

pip  install periscope-daemon

Installation from the sources

python build
sudo python install

Availables commands

First, you'll need to import your library

$ periscope-daemon --import ~/media/videos
# You can also import multiples path in a one shot !
$ periscope-daemon --import ~/media/videos1 --import ~/media/videos2 --import ~/media/videosN

Then, in a first console :

Start watching a folder for new video files

$ periscope-daemon --watch ~/media/videos
# You can also watch multiples path in a one shot !
$ periscope-daemon --watch ~/media/videos1 --watch ~/media/videos2 --watch ~/media/videosN

And in a second : Start downloading subtitles

$ periscope-daemon --run

Purge the library (removes deleted files on the filesystem from local database)

$ periscope-daemon --purge


The main config file is located in ~/.config/periscope-daemon/daemon.conf This file will override the default distributed configuration.

Availables configuration keys :

# Laguages.
lang = fr,en
# How often the daemon should run, in minutes
# The value will be interpreted as an integer
run_each = 1
# When a subtitle is not found, the time to wait before re-processing the file will be multiplyed by this value
# The value will be interpreted as a float
retry_factor = 3

Init scritps

There are init script for debian based distribution.

You must copy init/debian/init.d/periscope-daemon to /etc/init.d

You must copy init/debian/default/periscope-daemon to /etc/default

You will have to modify WATCHED_DIR in /etc/init.d/periscope-daemon and USER in /etc/init.d/periscope-daemon.

You will then be able to start/stop/restart/... it as a daemon :

$ sudo /etc/init.d/periscope-daemon start

And watch for the log in /var/log/periscope-daemon/daemon.log:

$ tail -f /var/log/periscope-daemon/daemon.log