
Persist expensive operations on disk.

Cache, Persist
pip install persist-to-disk==0.0.1



pip install . or pip install persist-to-disk

By default, a folder called .cache/persist_to_disk is created under your home directory, and will be used to store cache files. If you want to change it, see "Global Settings" below.

Global Settings

To set global settings (for example, where the cache should go by default), please do the following:

import persist_to_disk as ptd

Then, you could (optionally) change the settings in the generated config.ini:

  1. persist_path: where to store the cache. All projects you have on this machine will have a folder under persist_path by default, unless you specify it within the project (See examples below).

  2. hashsize: How many hash buckets to use to store each function's outputs. Default=500.

  3. lock_granularity: How granular the lock is. This could be call, func or global.

    • call means each hash bucket will have one lock, so only only processes trying to write/read to/from the same hash bucket will share the same lock.
    • func means each function will have one lock, so if you have many processes calling the same function they will all be using the same lock.
    • global all processes share the same lock (I tested that it's OK to have nested mechanism on Unix).

Quick Start

Basic Example

Using persist_to_disk is very easy. For example, if you want to write a general training function:

import torch

def train_a_model(dataset, model_cls, lr, epochs, device='cpu'):
    return trained_model_or_key

if __name__ == '__main__':
    train_a_model('MNIST', torch.nn.Linear, 1e-3, 30)

Suppose the above is in a file with path ~/project_name/pipeline/ If we are in ~/project_name and run python -m pipeline.train, a cache folder will be created under PERSIST_PATH, like the following:

├── project_name-[autoid]
│   ├── pipeline
│   │   ├── train
│   │   │   ├── train_a_model
│   │   │   │   ├──[hashed_bucket].pkl

Note that in the above, [autoid] is a auto-generated id. [hashed_bucket] will be an int in [0, hashsize).


Note that ptd.persistf can be used with multiprocessing directly.

Advanced Settings

config.set_project_path and config.set_persist_path

There are two important paths for each workspace/project: project_path and persist_path. You could set them by calling ptd.config.set_project_path and ptd.config.set_persist_path.

On a high level, persist_path determines where the results are cached/persisted, and project_path determines the structure of the cache file tree. Following the basic example, ptd.config.persist_path(PERSIST_PATH) will only change the root directory. On the other hand, supppose we add a line of ptd.config.set_project_path("./pipeline") to and run it again, the new file structure will be created under PERSIST_PATH, like the following:

├── pipeline-[autoid]
│   ├── train
│   │   ├── train_a_model
│   │   │   ├──[hashed_bucket].pkl

Alternatively, it is also possible that we store some notebooks under ~/project_name/notebook/. In this case, we could set the project_path back to ~/project_name. You could check the mapping from projects to autoids in ~/.persist_to_disk/project_to_pids.txt.

Additional Parameters

persist take additional arguments. For example, consider the new function below:

@ptd.persistf(groupby=['dataset', 'epochs'], expand_dict_kwargs=['model_kwargs'], skip_kwargs=['device'])
def train_a_model(dataset, model_cls, model_kwargs, lr, epochs, device='cpu'):
    model = model_cls(**model_kwargs)
    ... # train the model
    return path

The kwargs we passed to persistf has the following effects:

  • groupby: We will create more intermediate directories basing on what's in groupby. In the example above, the new cache structure will look like
├── project_name-[autoid]
│   ├── pipeline
│   │   ├── train
│   │   │   ├── train_a_model
│   │   │   │   ├── MNIST
│   │   │   │   │   ├── 20
│   │   │   │   │   │   ├──[hashed_bucket].pkl
│   │   │   │   │   ├── 10
│   │   │   │   │   │   ├──[hashed_bucket].pkl
│   │   │   │   ├── CIFAR10
│   │   │   │   │   ├── 30
│   │   │   │   │   │   ├──[hashed_bucket].pkl
  • expand_dict_kwargs: This simply allows the dictionary to be passed in. This is because we cannot hash a dictionary directly, so there are additionally preprocessing steps for these arguments within ptd. Note that you can also set expand_dict_kwargs='all' to avoid specifying individual dictionary arguements. However, please only do so IF YOU KNOW what you are passing in - a very big nested dictionary can make the cache-retrievement very slow and use a lot of disk space unnecessarily.

  • skip_kwargs: This specifies arguments that will be ignored. For examplte, if we call train_a_model(..., device='cpu') and train_a_model(..., device='cuda:0'), the second run will simply read the cache, as device is ignored.

Other useful parameters:

  • hash_size: Defaults to 500. If a function has a lot of cache files, you can also increase this if necessary to reduce the number of .pkl files on disk.