
A Python unit testing library

pip install pestcontrol==1.0.5


Pest Control

A Python Unit Testing Library


Test Functions:

  • assertEquals(actual, expected, msg) - Test if actual = expected, if test fails, print out includes msg
  • assertTrue(actual, msg) - Test if actual = True, if test fails, print out includes msg
  • assertFalse(actual, msg) - Test if actual = False, if test fails, print out includes msg

How to

Start by importing the library. Assuming file is in same directory as the PestControl library directory: for example for the test script "", use the following folder structure for this example:

|- pestcontrol/
|	-
import pestcontrol

Then make a class that extends PestCase to be the unit test class (class name can be anything, "BasicTestCase" is used here)

class BasicTestCase(pestcontrol.PestCase):

Then write one or more functions for the actual test. NOTE: "test" MUST be somewhere in the function name. For example, add_test(), addTest(), addTesting(), add_Tester(), add_tester(), will all run, but add(), will not run.

class BasicTestCase(PestCase):
    def add_test(self):
        self.assertEquals(1+1, 2, "simple add test")

Now just add the main() funciton call

if __name__ == "__main__":

That's it! Your unit test will run and print to the console the results. Note: any errors that occur from a call to an assert function, ie errors caused by the code being tested, will be caught and logged as a failed test (divide by zero error for example).

Full Example:

import pestcontrol
class BasicTestCase(pestcontrol.PestCase):
    def add_test(self):
        self.assertEquals(1+1, 2, "simple add test")

if __name__ == "__main__":