
Creates a temporary, local PostgreSQL database cluster and server for unittesting, and cleans up after itself

pip install pgtest==1.1.0


pgtest Build Status

Creates a temporary, local PostgreSQL database cluster and server specifically for unittesting, and cleans up after itself.

PGTest(username='postgres', port=None, log_file=None, no_cleanup=False,
       copy_cluster=None, base_dir=None, pg_ctl=None, max_connections=5)

    username - str, username for default database superuser
    port - int, port to connect on; you must ensure that the port is unused
    log_file - str, path to place the log file
    no_cleanup - bool, don't clean up dirs after PGTest.close() is called
    copy_cluster - str, copies cluster from this path
    base_dir - str, path to the base directory to init the cluster
    pg_ctl - str, path to the pg_ctl executable to use
    max_connections - int, maximum number of connections to the cluster

    PGTest.port - int, port number bound by PGTest
    PGTest.cluster - str, cluster directory generated by PGTest
    PGTest.username - str, username used by PGTest. Default is 'postgres'
    PGTest.log_file - str, path to postgres log file
    PGTest.pg_ctl - str, path to pg_ctl executable
    PGTest.url - str, url for default postgres database on the cluster
    PGTest.dsn - dict, dictionary containing dsn key-value pairs for the
                 default postgres database on the cluster
    close() - Closes this instance of PGTest, cleans up directories    

Usage as an instance

>>> from pgtest.pgtest import PGTest
>>> import psycopg2
>>> pg = PGTest()
Server started: postgresql://postgres@localhost:47251/postgres
>>> pg.port
>>> pg.cluster
>>> pg.username
>>> pg.log_file
>>> pg.pg_ctl
>>> pg.url
>>> pg.dsn
{'user': 'postgres', 'host': 'localhost',
'port': 47251, 'database': 'postgres'}
>>> # Connect with other db driver here, e.g. psql, psycopg2,
>>> # sqlalchemy etc
>>> psycopg2.connect(**pg.dsn)
>>> pg.close()
Server stopped

Or use as a context:

>>> from pgtest.pgtest import PGTest
>>> import psycopg2
>>> with PGTest() as pg:
...    # connect to db with psycopg/sqlalchemy etc
...    psycopg2.connect(**pg.dsn)
...    # Do other database actions here
>>> # When the context exits, the db cluster and service is deleted unless specified

Use with unittest in the setUp() and tearDown() methods:

import unittest
from pgtest.pgtest import PGTest

class TestThirdPartyDrivers(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls): = pgtest.PGTest()
        cls.base_dir =

    def tearDownClass(cls):

    def test_something(self):
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(, PGTest)