
Simple Raspberry Pi camera http server interface

raspberrypi, camera, http
pip install picamip==1.0.2b0



Python simple Raspberry-Pi camera module web interface

PyPI version License: GPL v3

This software runs on a RPi, it starts a webserver accessible via it's IP address. The web interface has a preview screen, buttons to take picture, download and delete images.

picamip UI


Install with pip

pip install picamip


The software can be started with

$ picamip

Then go to the interface at http://<Raspberry IP address>:8000

Additional options may be passed to the program:

picamip --help
usage: picamip [-h] [-p PICTURE_DIR] [-f FILES_PREFIX] [-t FLASK_TEMPLATE]
               [-s FLASK_STATIC] [-o FLASK_OVERLOAD] [-d DEFAULT_ROUTE] [-v]
               [host] [port]

picamip: Python simple Raspberry-Pi camera module web interface

positional arguments:
  host                  Server host
  port                  Server port

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PICTURE_DIR, --picture-dir PICTURE_DIR
                        Pictures storage directory
  -f FILES_PREFIX, --files-prefix FILES_PREFIX
                        Directory to store the pictures. Default: ~/Pictures
  -t FLASK_TEMPLATE, --flask-template FLASK_TEMPLATE
                        Flask additional jinja2 templates directory,
                        overwrites defaults.
  -s FLASK_STATIC, --flask-static FLASK_STATIC
                        Flask additional static files directory, overwrites
  -o FLASK_OVERLOAD, --flask-overload FLASK_OVERLOAD
                        Flask app functions overload.
  -d DEFAULT_ROUTE, --default-route DEFAULT_ROUTE
                        Default root route. Eg: index.html
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit


It's possible to customize the frontend by specifying another static and template directories with: --flask-static and --flask-template.

Endpoints may be customized by declaring callback functions into a python script and using --flask-overload. Overload functions must start with overload and they receive an instance of flask.Flask (app ) and an instance ofpicamip.StreamPiCamera (camera).


Default endpoints are:

  • / - GET: root route
  • /files - GET: Gets the current storage indexes and filenames
  • /stream - GET: Camera preview (mjpeg)
  • /picture - GET: Gets an image of given index
    • Query params: index (int) - picture index, download (bool)- Downloads the image
  • /picture - POST: Takes a picture from the camera
    • Query params: download (bool)- Downloads the image
  • /downloadAll - GET: Downloads all the images as a zip file
  • /deleteAll - DELETE: Deletes all images
  • /delete - DELETE: Deletes an image of given index
    • Query params: index (int) - picture index
  • /shutdown - POST: Shuts down the Raspberry Pi


Python simple Raspberry-Pi camera module web interface Copyright (C) 2021 Luiz Eduardo Amaral luizamaral306@gmail.com

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.