
Infrastructure for python

pip install piceli==0.0.2




Infrastructure management for python

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Documentation: https://docs.piceli.pynenc.org

Source Code: https://github.com/pynenc/piceli

Piceli simplifies Kubernetes object management and deployment, streamlining the process of configuring and applying Kubernetes resources. With Piceli, developers can define Kubernetes objects using Python, manage configurations efficiently, and deploy them to clusters with ease.

Key Features

  • Effortless Kubernetes Object Management: Easily define Kubernetes resources in Python, with support for custom objects and configurations.

  • Simplified Deployment Workflow: Piceli provides tools for planning, detailing, and executing deployments directly from your terminal, offering clear insights into the deployment process.

  • Intuitive CLI: The Piceli CLI enhances your Kubernetes management experience, offering commands to list models, plan deployments, and more.

  • Extensive Documentation: Get up and running quickly with detailed guides and examples in the Piceli documentation.


To install Piceli, simply use pip:

pip install piceli

This will install Piceli and its dependencies, preparing you for your Kubernetes management tasks.

Quick Start Example

First define your kubernetes objects using piceli's templates:

from piceli.k8s import templates

my_cron_job = templates.CronJob(
    schedule=templates.crontab.daily_at_x(hour=6, minute=0),
    labels={"app": "myapp"},

Objects from the official kubernetes library:

from kubernetes import client

def create_service_example(name, labels, ports, selector):
    # Define the Kubernetes Service
    service = client.V1Service(
    return service

Or a yaml or json file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: test-service
    service: test-service
    component: test-service
    - name: test-service
      port: 5432
      targetPort: 5432
    - name: test-service-2
      port: 5433
      targetPort: 5434
  type: ClusterIP
    pod_name: pod-to-select

Then explore the defined kubernetes object with the CLI:

piceli --folder-path=/folder/to/resources model list

╭───────────────────────────────── Command Execution ─────────────────────────────────╮
│ Running command: List Kubernetes Objects Model                                      │
╭───────────────────────── Context Options ─────────────────────────╮
│ Namespace: default                                                │
│ Module Name: Not specified                                        │
│ Module Path: Not specified                                        │
│ Folder Path: /folder/to/resources                                 │
│ Include Sub-elements: True                                        │
┃ Name             ┃ Kind ┃ Namespace ┃ Origin                                        ┃
│ some-scheduler   │ Job  │ Default   │ OriginYAML(path='/folder/to/resources         │
│ task-scheduler   │ Job  │ Default   │ OriginYAML(path='/folder/to/resources         │
│ task-worker      │ Job  │ Default   │ OriginYAML(path='/folder/to/resources         │
│ other-job        │ Job  │ Default   │ OriginYAML(path='/folder/to/resources         │

The automatic deployment plan with the different steps

PICELI__FOLDER_PATH=/folder/to/resources/tmp_cli PICELI__NAMESPACE=test-run piceli deploy plan
╭───────────────────────────────── Command Execution ─────────────────────────────────╮
│ Running command: Deployment Plan                                                    │
╭────────────────────────────── Context Options ───────────────────────────────╮
│ Namespace: test-run                                                          │
│ Module Name: Not specified                                                   │
│ Module Path: Not specified                                                   │
│ Folder Path: /folder/to/resources/tmp_cli │
│ Include Sub-elements: True                                                   │
Kubernetes Deployment Plan
┣━━ Step 1:
┃   ┣━━ Role example-role in namespace default
┃   ┣━━ ServiceAccount example-serviceaccount in namespace default
┃   ┗━━ StorageClass resizable in namespace default
┣━━ Step 2:
┃   ┗━━ RoleBinding example-rolebinding in namespace default
┣━━ Step 3:
┃   ┣━━ Secret example-secret in namespace default
┃   ┗━━ ConfigMap example-configmap in namespace default
┣━━ Step 4:
┃   ┗━━ PersistentVolumeClaim example-persistentvolumeclaim in namespace default
┣━━ Step 5:
┃   ┗━━ Deployment example-deployment in namespace default
┣━━ Step 6:
┃   ┗━━ Service example-service in namespace default
┣━━ Step 7:
┃   ┗━━ CronJob example-cronjob in namespace default
┗━━ Step 8:
    ┗━━ HorizontalPodAutoscaler example-horizontalpodautoscaler in namespace default

A detail view of all the changes that the deployment will do in the cluster:

PICELI__FOLDER_PATH=/folder/to/resources/tmp_cli PICELI__NAMESPACE=test-run piceli deploy detail
╭───────────────────────────────── Command Execution ─────────────────────────────────╮
│ Running command: Deployment Detailed Analysis                                       │
╭────────────────────────────── Context Options ───────────────────────────────╮
│ Namespace: test-run                                                          │
│ Module Name: Not specified                                                   │
│ Module Path: Not specified                                                   │
│ Folder Path: /folder/to/resources/tmp_cli │
│ Include Sub-elements: True                                                   │
                                New Kubernetes Objects
┃ Kind                    ┃ Name                        ┃ Version ┃ Group             ┃
│ Role                    │ example-role                │ v1      │ RbacAuthorization │
│ ServiceAccount          │ example-serviceaccount      │ v1      │ Core              │
│ RoleBinding             │ example-rolebinding         │ v1      │ RbacAuthorization │
│ Secret                  │ example-secret              │ v1      │ Core              │
│ ConfigMap               │ example-configmap           │ v1      │ Core              │
│ PersistentVolumeClaim   │ example-persistentvolumecl… │ v1      │ Core              │
│ Deployment              │ example-deployment          │ v1      │ Apps              │
│ Service                 │ example-service             │ v1      │ Core              │
│ CronJob                 │ example-cronjob             │ v1      │ Batch             │
│ HorizontalPodAutoscaler │ example-horizontalpodautos… │ v2      │ Autoscaling       │
     Kubernetes Objects Deployment Summary
┃ Kind         ┃ Name      ┃ Update Action    ┃
│ StorageClass │ resizable │ No action needed │
─────────────────────  StorageClass resizable - No action needed ──────────────────────
┃ Existing Object                          ┃ Desired Object                           ┃
│ {                                        │ {                                        │
│   "allowVolumeExpansion": true,          │   "allowVolumeExpansion": true,          │
│   "apiVersion": "storage.k8s.io/v1",     │   "apiVersion": "storage.k8s.io/v1",     │
│   "kind": "StorageClass",                │   "kind": "StorageClass",                │
│   "metadata": {                          │   "metadata": {                          │
│     "creationTimestamp":                 │     "name": "resizable"                  │
│ "2024-03-06T18:01:30+00:00",             │   },                                     │
│     "managedFields": [                   │   "provisioner":                         │
│       {                                  │ "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath"               │
│         "apiVersion":                    │ }                                        │
│ "storage.k8s.io/v1",                     │                                          │
│         "fieldsType": "FieldsV1",        │                                          │
│         "fieldsV1": {                    │                                          │
│           "f:allowVolumeExpansion": {},  │                                          │
│           "f:provisioner": {},           │                                          │
│           "f:reclaimPolicy": {},         │                                          │
│           "f:volumeBindingMode": {}      │                                          │
│         },                               │                                          │
│         "manager": "OpenAPI-Generator",  │                                          │
│         "operation": "Update",           │                                          │
│         "time":                          │                                          │
│ "2024-03-06T18:01:30+00:00"              │                                          │
│       }                                  │                                          │
│     ],                                   │                                          │
│     "name": "resizable",                 │                                          │
│     "resourceVersion": "176636",         │                                          │
│     "uid":                               │                                          │
│ "9ef7f7b7-8733-40b5-9e56-ee2f555823a5"   │                                          │
│   },                                     │                                          │
│   "provisioner":                         │                                          │
│ "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath",              │                                          │
│   "reclaimPolicy": "Delete",             │                                          │
│   "volumeBindingMode": "Immediate"       │                                          │
│ }                                        │                                          │
                                  Differences Summary
┃ Path                       ┃ Type     ┃ Existing                          ┃ Desired ┃
│ metadata,creationTimestamp │ Ignored  │ 2024-03-06T18:01:30+00:00         │ None    │
│ metadata,managedFields     │ Ignored  │ [                                 │ None    │
│                            │          │   {                               │         │
│                            │          │     "apiVersion":                 │         │
│                            │          │ "storage.k8s.io/v1",              │         │
│                            │          │     "fieldsType": "FieldsV1",     │         │
│                            │          │     "fieldsV1": {                 │         │
│                            │          │       "f:allowVolumeExpansion":   │         │
│                            │          │ {},                               │         │
│                            │          │       "f:provisioner": {},        │         │
│                            │          │       "f:reclaimPolicy": {},      │         │
│                            │          │       "f:volumeBindingMode": {}   │         │
│                            │          │     },                            │         │
│                            │          │     "manager":                    │         │
│                            │          │ "OpenAPI-Generator",              │         │
│                            │          │     "operation": "Update",        │         │
│                            │          │     "time":                       │         │
│                            │          │ "2024-03-06T18:01:30+00:00"       │         │
│                            │          │   }                               │         │
│                            │          │ ]                                 │         │
│ metadata,uid               │ Ignored  │ 9ef7f7b7-8733-40b5-9e56-ee2f5558… │ None    │
│ metadata,resourceVersion   │ Ignored  │ 176636                            │ None    │
│ volumeBindingMode          │ Defaults │ Immediate                         │ None    │
│ reclaimPolicy              │ Defaults │ Delete                            │ None    │

And finally run the deployment and follow the step by step process, that will rollback to the previous state if anything unexpected happens.

PICELI__FOLDER_PATH=/folder/to/resources/tmp_cli PICELI__NAMESPACE=test-run piceli deploy run
╭───────────────────────────────── Command Execution ─────────────────────────────────╮
│ Running command: Running Deployment                                                 │
Namespace 'test-run' created successfully.
╭───────────────────────────── Execution Status: PENDING ─────────────────────────────╮
│ Starting the deployment process.                                                    │
──────────────────────────────────  Starting Level 0 ──────────────────────────────────
                            Applying Level 0
  Name                     Kind             Group               Version
  example-role             Role             RbacAuthorization   v1
  example-serviceaccount   ServiceAccount   Core                v1
  resizable                StorageClass     Storage             v1
╭───────────────────────────── Execution Status: PENDING ─────────────────────────────╮
│ Starting the deployment process.                                                    │
──────────────────────────────────  Starting Level 0 ──────────────────────────────────
                            Applying Level 0
  Name                     Kind             Group               Version
  example-role             Role             RbacAuthorization   v1
  example-serviceaccount   ServiceAccount   Core                v1
  resizable                StorageClass     Storage             v1
Role example-role - Applying object
Role example-role - New object, will be created.
Role example-role - Application completed.
ServiceAccount example-serviceaccount - Applying object
ServiceAccount example-serviceaccount - New object, will be created.
ServiceAccount example-serviceaccount - Application completed.
StorageClass resizable - Applying object
StorageClass resizable - Comparing existing object...
Existing object matches the desired spec; no action needed.
StorageClass resizable - Application completed.
                   Completed Level 0
  Name                     Kind             Status
  example-role             Role             Completed
  example-serviceaccount   ServiceAccount   Completed
  resizable                StorageClass     Completed
────────────────────────────  Level Completed Successfully ────────────────────────────
──────────────────────────────────  Starting Level 1 ──────────────────────────────────
                         Applying Level 1
  Name                  Kind          Group               Version
  example-rolebinding   RoleBinding   RbacAuthorization   v1
RoleBinding example-rolebinding - Applying object
RoleBinding example-rolebinding - New object, will be created.
RoleBinding example-rolebinding - Application completed.
                Completed Level 1
  Name                  Kind          Status
  example-rolebinding   RoleBinding   Completed
────────────────────────────  Level Completed Successfully ────────────────────────────
──────────────────────────────────  Starting Level 2 ──────────────────────────────────
                 Applying Level 2
  Name                Kind        Group   Version
  example-secret      Secret      Core    v1
  example-configmap   ConfigMap   Core    v1
Secret example-secret - Applying object
ConfigMap example-configmap - Applying object
Secret example-secret - New object, will be created.
Secret example-secret - Application completed.
ConfigMap example-configmap - New object, will be created.
ConfigMap example-configmap - Application completed.
              Completed Level 2
  Name                Kind        Status
  example-secret      Secret      Completed
  example-configmap   ConfigMap   Completed
────────────────────────────  Level Completed Successfully ────────────────────────────
──────────────────────────────────  Starting Level 3 ──────────────────────────────────
                             Applying Level 3
  Name                            Kind                    Group   Version
  example-persistentvolumeclaim   PersistentVolumeClaim   Core    v1
PersistentVolumeClaim example-persistentvolumeclaim - Applying object
PersistentVolumeClaim example-persistentvolumeclaim - New object, will be created.
PersistentVolumeClaim example-persistentvolumeclaim - Application completed.
                          Completed Level 3
  Name                            Kind                    Status
  example-persistentvolumeclaim   PersistentVolumeClaim   Completed
────────────────────────────  Level Completed Successfully ────────────────────────────
──────────────────────────────────  Starting Level 4 ──────────────────────────────────
                  Applying Level 4
  Name                 Kind         Group   Version
  example-deployment   Deployment   Apps    v1
Deployment example-deployment - Applying object
Deployment example-deployment - New object, will be created.
Deployment example-deployment - Application completed.
               Completed Level 4
  Name                 Kind         Status
  example-deployment   Deployment   Completed
────────────────────────────  Level Completed Successfully ────────────────────────────
──────────────────────────────────  Starting Level 5 ──────────────────────────────────
               Applying Level 5
  Name              Kind      Group   Version
  example-service   Service   Core    v1
Service example-service - Applying object
Service example-service - New object, will be created.
Service example-service - Application completed.
            Completed Level 5
  Name              Kind      Status
  example-service   Service   Completed
────────────────────────────  Level Completed Successfully ────────────────────────────
──────────────────────────────────  Starting Level 6 ──────────────────────────────────
               Applying Level 6
  Name              Kind      Group   Version
  example-cronjob   CronJob   Batch   v1
CronJob example-cronjob - Applying object
CronJob example-cronjob - New object, will be created.
CronJob example-cronjob - Application completed.
│ Deployment completed successfully │
Deployment ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:00

For more information and detailed guides, check out the Piceli Documentation.


Piceli aims to work seamlessly with your existing Kubernetes setup. Ensure you have kubectl configured and access to a Kubernetes cluster.


We welcome contributions and feedback to help improve Piceli! Whether it's feature requests, bug reports, or code contributions, please feel free to reach out through our GitHub Issues page.


Piceli is made available under the MIT License.