
Highly configurable and scriptable Pi-hole statistics in text

command-line-tool, pi-hole, stats, pihello, python
pip install pihello==0.2.1



pihello is a simple and configurable command-line tool used to display statistics of your Pi-hole.
No additional dependencies required.

PyPI PyPI - Python Version PyPI - Wheel PyPI - License PRs welcome!

What's this used for?

You frequently work in the terminal or ssh into your pi-hole host? Wouldn't it be nice to have a useful greeting message?

Just install and add the pihello <your.pihole.address> <your.pihole.api-token> command to your shell's startup script (.bash_profile, .zshenv, fish_greeting.fish, etc.). Next time you open the terminal you'll be greeted by the default (or your own) fancy message!





pip install pihello

Run a preconfigured display (as seen above):

pihello <your.pihole.address> <your.pihole.api-token>



To run from the command line for standard HTTP Pi-hole installs:

pihello <your.pihole.address> <your.pihole.api-token>

To run from the command line with a custom configuration file:

pihello <your.pihole.address> <your.pihole.api-token> -f /path/to/config.txt

To run from the command line for HTTPS Pi-hole installs:

pihello <your.pihole.address> <your.pihole.api-token> -p

To run from the command line for HTTPS Pi-hole installs w/custom path to pihole (e.g. /pihole instead of the default /admin) :

pihello <your.pihole.address> <your.pihole.api-token> -p -u /pihole

Full command options:

$ pihello -h
usage: pihello [-h] [-v] [-i INDENT] [-f FILE] [-c] [-W WIDTH] [-H HEIGHT] [-ts [TIMESTAMP]] [-p] [-u URI] addr token

positional arguments:
  addr                  the address of your Pi-hole
  token                 your Pi-hole API Token from settings

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -i INDENT, --indent INDENT
                        set the indentation step (default: 4)
  -f FILE, --file FILE  specify path to the output config file
  -c, --clip            set whether overflowing text will be discarded or added to the next line
  -W WIDTH, --width WIDTH
                        set the screen width (0 = no limit). (default: 80)
  -H HEIGHT, --height HEIGHT
                        set the screen height (0 = no limit). (default: 25)
  -ts [TIMESTAMP], --timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
                        add a timestamp as the first line. Pass optional strftime format string. Example "%H:%M - %a %d/%m/%y"
  -p, --proto           use HTTPS instead of HTTP.
  -u URI, --uri URI     set a different path (URI) for pihole. (default: /admin)


Create a configuration text file anywhere in your userspace.


More example configurations can be found in docs/SHOWCASE.md.

[white]PiHole[] ([green4]{status}[]) [lightgreen]{core_current}[white], Web [lightgreen]{web_current}[white], FTL [lightgreen]{FTL_current}
Blocking [darkcyan]{domains_being_blocked}[] domains for [steelblue]{unique_clients}[] clients
Blocked [fuchsia]{ads_blocked_today}[] out of [lightgreen]{dns_queries_today}[] queries [underline]today[] ([steelblue]{ads_percentage_today}%[])
[grey37]Gravity last updated [bold grey50]{gravity_last_updated.relative.days}[grey37] days [bold grey50]{gravity_last_updated.relative.hours}[grey37] hours and [bold grey50]{gravity_last_updated.relative.minutes}[grey37] minutes ago

Run pihello with the -f flag pointing to the configuration file:

pihello <your.pihole.address> <your.pihole.api-token> -f /home/username/path_to/example.txt

Variable injection

PiHole API's variables can be easily injected by using curly braces { }.

Syntax: {variable_name}

Example: "PiHole {core_current} (FTL: {FTL_current})"


  • Variable names are case-sensitive
  • Open curly brace, which is not part of a variable injection, should be escaped like so \{
Available variables
Key Example value Type
recent_blocked ssl.google-analytics.com str
core_update False bool
web_update False bool
FTL_update False bool
core_current v5.1.2 str
web_current v5.1.1 str
FTL_current v5.2 str
core_latest v5.1.2 str
web_latest v5.1.1 str
FTL_latest v5.2 str
core_branch master str
web_branch master str
FTL_branch master str
domains_being_blocked 94541 int
dns_queries_today 14324 int
ads_blocked_today 3917 int
ads_percentage_today 27.345713 float
unique_domains 5967 int
queries_forwarded 7942 int
queries_cached 2465 int
clients_ever_seen 12 int
unique_clients 9 int
dns_queries_all_types 14324 int
reply_NODATA 423 int
reply_NXDOMAIN 223 int
reply_CNAME 3784 int
reply_IP 8768 int
privacy_level 0 int
status enabled str
gravity_last_updated.file_exists True bool
gravity_last_updated.absolute 1602374786 int
gravity_last_updated.relative.days 1 int
gravity_last_updated.relative.hours 12 int
gravity_last_updated.relative.minutes 29 int


  • Text styling is done by inserting style tags [ ]
  • Color prepended by a semicolon : indicates a background color
  • Color prepended by an underline _ indicates an underlined color AFAIK, only supported in Kitty, VTE, mintty and iTerm2.

Syntax: [<style> <foreground_color> :<background_color> _<underline_color>]

Example: "[italic navy]Hello [underline maroon :green]World[bold]!"


  • Open square bracket, which is not part of a style, must be escaped like so \[
  • Empty square brackets, [], can be used to reset the style
  • Order of the parameters does not matter
  • Extra whitespace and letter's case is ignored
Available styles
Style Format string Notes
Normal normal Reset the font to normal.
Bold bold
Faint faint
Italic italic
Underline underline
Double underline dunderline Usually just a single underline.
Blink blink Usually not supported.
Fast blink fblink Usually not supported.
Strikethrough strike Usually not supported.


There is a number of ways to define a color:

Definition Matching regex Example Notes
Color name [0-9a-z]+ black Preferred way to define a color.
Color number color\([0-9]{1,3}\) color(0) Good way to ensure compatibility with
old or simple terminal emulators/displays.
Hex value \#[0-9a-f]{6} #000000
RGB values rgb\([\d\s,]+\) rgb(0, 0, 0)
Available color names

These are Xterm color names. Duplicate color names have been removed keeping the last (usually brightest) occurence. This list has currently 202 rows.

Color # Color name HEX RGB
0 black #000000 rgb(0,0,0)
1 maroon #800000 rgb(128,0,0)
2 green #008000 rgb(0,128,0)
3 olive #808000 rgb(128,128,0)
4 navy #000080 rgb(0,0,128)
6 teal #008080 rgb(0,128,128)
7 silver #c0c0c0 rgb(192,192,192)
8 grey #808080 rgb(128,128,128)
9 red #ff0000 rgb(255,0,0)
10 lime #00ff00 rgb(0,255,0)
11 yellow #ffff00 rgb(255,255,0)
12 blue #0000ff rgb(0,0,255)
13 fuchsia #ff00ff rgb(255,0,255)
14 aqua #00ffff rgb(0,255,255)
15 white #ffffff rgb(255,255,255)
16 grey0 #000000 rgb(0,0,0)
17 navyblue #00005f rgb(0,0,95)
18 darkblue #000087 rgb(0,0,135)
20 blue3 #0000d7 rgb(0,0,215)
21 blue1 #0000ff rgb(0,0,255)
22 darkgreen #005f00 rgb(0,95,0)
25 deepskyblue4 #005faf rgb(0,95,175)
26 dodgerblue3 #005fd7 rgb(0,95,215)
27 dodgerblue2 #005fff rgb(0,95,255)
28 green4 #008700 rgb(0,135,0)
29 springgreen4 #00875f rgb(0,135,95)
30 turquoise4 #008787 rgb(0,135,135)
32 deepskyblue3 #0087d7 rgb(0,135,215)
33 dodgerblue1 #0087ff rgb(0,135,255)
36 darkcyan #00af87 rgb(0,175,135)
37 lightseagreen #00afaf rgb(0,175,175)
38 deepskyblue2 #00afd7 rgb(0,175,215)
39 deepskyblue1 #00afff rgb(0,175,255)
40 green3 #00d700 rgb(0,215,0)
41 springgreen3 #00d75f rgb(0,215,95)
43 cyan3 #00d7af rgb(0,215,175)
44 darkturquoise #00d7d7 rgb(0,215,215)
45 turquoise2 #00d7ff rgb(0,215,255)
46 green1 #00ff00 rgb(0,255,0)
47 springgreen2 #00ff5f rgb(0,255,95)
48 springgreen1 #00ff87 rgb(0,255,135)
49 mediumspringgreen #00ffaf rgb(0,255,175)
50 cyan2 #00ffd7 rgb(0,255,215)
51 cyan1 #00ffff rgb(0,255,255)
55 purple4 #5f00af rgb(95,0,175)
56 purple3 #5f00d7 rgb(95,0,215)
57 blueviolet #5f00ff rgb(95,0,255)
59 grey37 #5f5f5f rgb(95,95,95)
60 mediumpurple4 #5f5f87 rgb(95,95,135)
62 slateblue3 #5f5fd7 rgb(95,95,215)
63 royalblue1 #5f5fff rgb(95,95,255)
64 chartreuse4 #5f8700 rgb(95,135,0)
66 paleturquoise4 #5f8787 rgb(95,135,135)
67 steelblue #5f87af rgb(95,135,175)
68 steelblue3 #5f87d7 rgb(95,135,215)
69 cornflowerblue #5f87ff rgb(95,135,255)
71 darkseagreen4 #5faf5f rgb(95,175,95)
73 cadetblue #5fafaf rgb(95,175,175)
74 skyblue3 #5fafd7 rgb(95,175,215)
76 chartreuse3 #5fd700 rgb(95,215,0)
78 seagreen3 #5fd787 rgb(95,215,135)
79 aquamarine3 #5fd7af rgb(95,215,175)
80 mediumturquoise #5fd7d7 rgb(95,215,215)
81 steelblue1 #5fd7ff rgb(95,215,255)
83 seagreen2 #5fff5f rgb(95,255,95)
85 seagreen1 #5fffaf rgb(95,255,175)
87 darkslategray2 #5fffff rgb(95,255,255)
88 darkred #870000 rgb(135,0,0)
91 darkmagenta #8700af rgb(135,0,175)
94 orange4 #875f00 rgb(135,95,0)
95 lightpink4 #875f5f rgb(135,95,95)
96 plum4 #875f87 rgb(135,95,135)
98 mediumpurple3 #875fd7 rgb(135,95,215)
99 slateblue1 #875fff rgb(135,95,255)
101 wheat4 #87875f rgb(135,135,95)
102 grey53 #878787 rgb(135,135,135)
103 lightslategrey #8787af rgb(135,135,175)
104 mediumpurple #8787d7 rgb(135,135,215)
105 lightslateblue #8787ff rgb(135,135,255)
106 yellow4 #87af00 rgb(135,175,0)
108 darkseagreen #87af87 rgb(135,175,135)
110 lightskyblue3 #87afd7 rgb(135,175,215)
111 skyblue2 #87afff rgb(135,175,255)
112 chartreuse2 #87d700 rgb(135,215,0)
114 palegreen3 #87d787 rgb(135,215,135)
116 darkslategray3 #87d7d7 rgb(135,215,215)
117 skyblue1 #87d7ff rgb(135,215,255)
118 chartreuse1 #87ff00 rgb(135,255,0)
120 lightgreen #87ff87 rgb(135,255,135)
122 aquamarine1 #87ffd7 rgb(135,255,215)
123 darkslategray1 #87ffff rgb(135,255,255)
125 deeppink4 #af005f rgb(175,0,95)
126 mediumvioletred #af0087 rgb(175,0,135)
128 darkviolet #af00d7 rgb(175,0,215)
129 purple #af00ff rgb(175,0,255)
133 mediumorchid3 #af5faf rgb(175,95,175)
134 mediumorchid #af5fd7 rgb(175,95,215)
136 darkgoldenrod #af8700 rgb(175,135,0)
138 rosybrown #af8787 rgb(175,135,135)
139 grey63 #af87af rgb(175,135,175)
140 mediumpurple2 #af87d7 rgb(175,135,215)
141 mediumpurple1 #af87ff rgb(175,135,255)
143 darkkhaki #afaf5f rgb(175,175,95)
144 navajowhite3 #afaf87 rgb(175,175,135)
145 grey69 #afafaf rgb(175,175,175)
146 lightsteelblue3 #afafd7 rgb(175,175,215)
147 lightsteelblue #afafff rgb(175,175,255)
149 darkolivegreen3 #afd75f rgb(175,215,95)
150 darkseagreen3 #afd787 rgb(175,215,135)
152 lightcyan3 #afd7d7 rgb(175,215,215)
153 lightskyblue1 #afd7ff rgb(175,215,255)
154 greenyellow #afff00 rgb(175,255,0)
155 darkolivegreen2 #afff5f rgb(175,255,95)
156 palegreen1 #afff87 rgb(175,255,135)
157 darkseagreen2 #afffaf rgb(175,255,175)
159 paleturquoise1 #afffff rgb(175,255,255)
160 red3 #d70000 rgb(215,0,0)
162 deeppink3 #d70087 rgb(215,0,135)
164 magenta3 #d700d7 rgb(215,0,215)
166 darkorange3 #d75f00 rgb(215,95,0)
167 indianred #d75f5f rgb(215,95,95)
168 hotpink3 #d75f87 rgb(215,95,135)
169 hotpink2 #d75faf rgb(215,95,175)
170 orchid #d75fd7 rgb(215,95,215)
172 orange3 #d78700 rgb(215,135,0)
173 lightsalmon3 #d7875f rgb(215,135,95)
174 lightpink3 #d78787 rgb(215,135,135)
175 pink3 #d787af rgb(215,135,175)
176 plum3 #d787d7 rgb(215,135,215)
177 violet #d787ff rgb(215,135,255)
178 gold3 #d7af00 rgb(215,175,0)
179 lightgoldenrod3 #d7af5f rgb(215,175,95)
180 tan #d7af87 rgb(215,175,135)
181 mistyrose3 #d7afaf rgb(215,175,175)
182 thistle3 #d7afd7 rgb(215,175,215)
183 plum2 #d7afff rgb(215,175,255)
184 yellow3 #d7d700 rgb(215,215,0)
185 khaki3 #d7d75f rgb(215,215,95)
187 lightyellow3 #d7d7af rgb(215,215,175)
188 grey84 #d7d7d7 rgb(215,215,215)
189 lightsteelblue1 #d7d7ff rgb(215,215,255)
190 yellow2 #d7ff00 rgb(215,255,0)
192 darkolivegreen1 #d7ff87 rgb(215,255,135)
193 darkseagreen1 #d7ffaf rgb(215,255,175)
194 honeydew2 #d7ffd7 rgb(215,255,215)
195 lightcyan1 #d7ffff rgb(215,255,255)
196 red1 #ff0000 rgb(255,0,0)
197 deeppink2 #ff005f rgb(255,0,95)
199 deeppink1 #ff00af rgb(255,0,175)
200 magenta2 #ff00d7 rgb(255,0,215)
201 magenta1 #ff00ff rgb(255,0,255)
202 orangered1 #ff5f00 rgb(255,95,0)
204 indianred1 #ff5f87 rgb(255,95,135)
206 hotpink #ff5fd7 rgb(255,95,215)
207 mediumorchid1 #ff5fff rgb(255,95,255)
208 darkorange #ff8700 rgb(255,135,0)
209 salmon1 #ff875f rgb(255,135,95)
210 lightcoral #ff8787 rgb(255,135,135)
211 palevioletred1 #ff87af rgb(255,135,175)
212 orchid2 #ff87d7 rgb(255,135,215)
213 orchid1 #ff87ff rgb(255,135,255)
214 orange1 #ffaf00 rgb(255,175,0)
215 sandybrown #ffaf5f rgb(255,175,95)
216 lightsalmon1 #ffaf87 rgb(255,175,135)
217 lightpink1 #ffafaf rgb(255,175,175)
218 pink1 #ffafd7 rgb(255,175,215)
219 plum1 #ffafff rgb(255,175,255)
220 gold1 #ffd700 rgb(255,215,0)
222 lightgoldenrod2 #ffd787 rgb(255,215,135)
223 navajowhite1 #ffd7af rgb(255,215,175)
224 mistyrose1 #ffd7d7 rgb(255,215,215)
225 thistle1 #ffd7ff rgb(255,215,255)
226 yellow1 #ffff00 rgb(255,255,0)
227 lightgoldenrod1 #ffff5f rgb(255,255,95)
228 khaki1 #ffff87 rgb(255,255,135)
229 wheat1 #ffffaf rgb(255,255,175)
230 cornsilk1 #ffffd7 rgb(255,255,215)
231 grey100 #ffffff rgb(255,255,255)
232 grey3 #080808 rgb(8,8,8)
233 grey7 #121212 rgb(18,18,18)
234 grey11 #1c1c1c rgb(28,28,28)
235 grey15 #262626 rgb(38,38,38)
236 grey19 #303030 rgb(48,48,48)
237 grey23 #3a3a3a rgb(58,58,58)
238 grey27 #444444 rgb(68,68,68)
239 grey30 #4e4e4e rgb(78,78,78)
240 grey35 #585858 rgb(88,88,88)
241 grey39 #626262 rgb(98,98,98)
242 grey42 #6c6c6c rgb(108,108,108)
243 grey46 #767676 rgb(118,118,118)
244 grey50 #808080 rgb(128,128,128)
245 grey54 #8a8a8a rgb(138,138,138)
246 grey58 #949494 rgb(148,148,148)
247 grey62 #9e9e9e rgb(158,158,158)
248 grey66 #a8a8a8 rgb(168,168,168)
249 grey70 #b2b2b2 rgb(178,178,178)
250 grey74 #bcbcbc rgb(188,188,188)
251 grey78 #c6c6c6 rgb(198,198,198)
252 grey82 #d0d0d0 rgb(208,208,208)
253 grey85 #dadada rgb(218,218,218)
254 grey89 #e4e4e4 rgb(228,228,228)
255 grey93 #eeeeee rgb(238,238,238)


PRs welcome!

Showcase your configuration! Submit a PR with your configuration and a screenshot.


  1. Install Poetry
  2. Clone or fork the repo
  3. Install the dependencies poetry install This creates a virtual environment and installs the project into it.
  4. Activate the virtual environment poetry shell
  5. Run the project pihello ...


In no particular order

  • Authentication for access to more variables
  • Start accessing more variables
  • Justification styling similar to Python's ljust() and rjust()
  • Use the screen width and height to break up the text
  • Add actual support for indentation
  • Conditional formatting/styling
  • Periodic updates (as if using watch command) but with working colors
  • Structured config using .yaml or some other type


Changelog can be found in CHANGELOG.md


MIT Licence