
For the organized, but lazy developer, meaning that you'll update a package, but you don't want to be bothered with updating the requirements file. Pip Freezer pins packages no matter which requirements file they live in and maintains your comments and line breaks.

pip install pip-freezer==0.3.5


Pip Freezer



For the organized, but lazy developer, meaning that you'll update a package, but you don't want to be bothered with updating the requirements file. Pip Freezer pins packages no matter which requirements file they live in and maintains your comments and line breaks.

NOTE: Plays nice with Django Cookiecutter.


We all have our preferences with how we manage package dependencies. There is the awesome Poetry, but there are still those of us who like to manually manage requirements with comments in various files such as requirements.txt, requirements_dev.txt. requirements_test.txt, or even requirements/base.txt, requirements/local.txt and requirements/production.txt or other similar variations.

Simply running pip freeze > requirements.txt is not of much use if you like to be organized and only pin what you've manually defined as a "top-level" dependency (and not its sub-dependencies).

Running pipfreezer will only pin packages defined in your requirements files.

NOTE: pipfreezer does not do any upating of packages itself, you can use pip install -U package-name or something like pip-review. You would manually update packages and then run pipfreezer to auto-update those in your requirements files.


To install Pip Freezer, simply use pip:

$ python3 -m pip install pip-freezer


In the root of your project, run:

# Freeze only packages defined in your requirements files.
pipfreezer freeze

# Update only the packages defined in your requirements files.
pipfreezer upgrade

NOTE: For help run pipfreezer --help or for a specific command run pipfreezer {command} --help.

NOTE: pipfreezer will not add or pin packages that you have not already defined in one of your requirements files. This is intentional.


make env
make pip_install
make pip_install_editable


make pytest
make coverage
make open_coverage


If you experience any issues, please create an issue on Github.